By subscribing, you agree to receive occasional membership emails from Crosscut/Cascade Public Media. Second, there was a lack of high-paying venues to support local Black big bands because Seattles wealthy downtown nightclubs were for whites only. Jazz musicians could make $100 to $200 a week playing in one of Shanghais many nightclubs, which made the trans-Pacific trip quite lucrative. Prolonged negotiations and mounting complaints at the Seattle-based coffee retailer show the obstacles a new labor movement faces. According to Doug Chin's Seattle'sInternational District , "In 1938, the African American Elks Club moved from the Central Are Photo from Seattle Times January 15, 1911. No less than the New York Times weighed in on secret societies in 1880, not wholly dismissing the theory that Freemasonry brought about the civil war and acquitted President Johnson and has committed or concealed crimes without number. The Times comments, This able theory of Freemasonry is not so readily believed as the theory that the European secret societies are the ruling power in Europe, but there are still many people as yet outside the lunatic asylum who firmly believe it., Many religious leaders felt at the very least conflicted about secret orders. Johnsons letter gives a sense of the unique opportunity for jazz musicians to play in Shanghai and the social critique of American society the experience prompted. A blue light flashes whenever anyone buzzes to gain entry, and all folks even nonmembers are welcome, provided they remove their hats. But when that money stays local when you meet the students who receive the scholarship when they come to the lodge, or watch the Girl Scouts run around the event space next door it just feels different. Its founding members opened the club on Congress Street,. Few Seattle neighborhoods have experienced that change in feel as acutely as Ballard, which, more than any other Seattle neighborhood, has always felt like its own tiny town, in part because it was at least until the early 1900s, when it was annexed, under much protest, to the city of Seattle. But its also part of a national phenomenon: For the first time in 35 years, the Elks are growing. Fraternal organizations, writes historian Robert D. Putnam, represented a reaction against the individualism and anomie of this era of rapid social change, asylum from a disordered and uncertain world. Many provided material benefits like life and health insurance, as well as social solidarity and ritual; by 1910, more than one-third of adult males over the age of 19 were a member of at least one. Jackson Street became the hotbed for Seattles jazz scene primarily because of its proximity to the Black community and because of the underground nightclub scene that developed during the Prohibition years. (Maurice Blacknall, a former Seattle resident and longtime Boeing employee who now lives in Renton, currently holds that title.) These new groups forged their own path in the face of racism, and established vital gathering spaces for Blacks seeking basic services and a safe social outlet as the civil-rights movement took flight. With the nightlife heating up by 1922, in the basement of the Entertainers Club Smith and Williams christened the Alhambra, which became know as the Black and Tan by 1932 and would become a hot spot for Seattle jazz during the Great Depression. The White Elks forced Riggs out of his job, and he could not find work anywhere in Cincinnati, so in 1899, under an assumed name, he and his family moved to Springfield, OH. Processing / Interviews / Initiation: 6. [29] Taylor, 147. John Jordan Upchurch and 13 others in Meadville, Pennsylvania, founded the Ancient Order of United Workmen in 1868 with the goal of bettering conditions for the working class. And in a town where thats no longer the case in a lot of ways, it feels really freeing.. Together, the roadhouses and the Jackson Street night clubs embedded jazz in Seattles nightlife and [b]y 1928, jazz had taken over the popular music scene.[7] Clubs continued to pop up on and around Jackson Streetthe Blue Rose (later called the Rocking Chair) on 14th and Yesler and the Chinese Gardens Club (aka the Bucket of Blood), across from 511 7th Street Southand even when the stock market crashed and the Great Depression hit, there was no doubt that jazz would remain on Jackson Street. With other organizations, a lot of dollars go to jets and national salaries; with us, people know where the moneys going. 2023 Smithsonian Magazine [20] According to historian Paul de Barros, the absence of local big bands was a product of two factors. See the News section and our Facebook page for updated information. And here at the Elks, I dont ever have to worry about my drink being spiked, or my purse being stolen, or guys harassing me., A man one seat down, silent our entire conversation, speaks up, his eyes still focused on the Mariners game in front of him: And if you ever do have problems, you know, you can count on us.. Amid all this, we encounter Brooks, sipping on a glass of Crown Royal poured by bartender and Daughter Ruler Gaye Spearman. I was that freak talking to people at the gym and the grocery store, just trying to start conversation. One day, she saw a flyer looking for Girl Scout leaders, and she was swiftly assigned to the brand-new troop that meets at the Elks. As the new members introduced themselves, a group of 20-plus Elks paddleboarders were grouped around a large table in the other room, putting the final touches on a plan that will allow them to store their boards in the lodges basement. I heard about the club through Rob Casey, because he surfs my tugboat wake.. Its purpose was to"protect Protestants" andthats why, in 1849, the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, George William Frederick Villiers, captured the ire of Dublins Waterford News for supporting the society. Matt Lutton / Boreal Collective for BuzzFeed News, Steve Larson/The Denver Post via Getty Images, Library of Congress; courtesy Ballard Elks, the only real place for black folks to go. Copyright (c) 2010, Kaegan Faltys-Burr Join Facebook to connect with Seattle Elks and others you may know. Top panorana, Indiana Elks Club, bottom, the Ballard Elks Club through the years. I have some edits for you, Ill send you an email, she replies, rushing out the door to make a literal mile of lasagna noodles from scratch. (Her medieval bad-ass title indicates that she heads up the lodges womens auxiliary.) When you purchase Crown Royal at the store, it comes in a regal-looking purple bag with gold stitching. Its been modified slightly over the years, but has remained substantively the same since the late 19th century, arriving, after a slightly weepy preamble, at its real heart: It is the golden hour of recollection, the homecoming of those who wander, the mystic roll call of those who will come no more. Many Black jazz musicians said that while playing in Shanghai they were treated with respect for the fist time in their lives.[26] Accustomed to living under racial segregation in the United States, it is not surprising that Black jazz musicians felt they received more respect and more freedom in the cosmopolitan city of Shanghai. Liz Mozzarella is the Girl Scout leader who picked up supplies for the lasagna dinner. To promote charity, justice, brotherly love, and fidelity. In many ways, the lodges are ciphers: event spaces malleable to the shifting civic and psychological needs of their members, instead of dictating them. Portrait of the Elks bar while the steak Initiation dinner plays out in the room next door. [17] State Liquor Offices Raid Black and Tan, Northwest Enterprise, 3 January, 1935, p.4. As Putnam argues, the history of civic engagement is not simply one of decline: Its a story, he writes, of collapse and of renewal. The Elks, and organizations like them, are attractive not when they become cool, but when their absence starts to reveal itself as a lack as something like sorrow. In 1874, the American and Canadian branches left the Ancient Order and set up the Independent Order of the Foresters. Susan A. said: Spent 4 nights here. When the club is booked for a private event, enjoy the intimacy of our original Sunset Lounge Social Quarters and balcony deck on the second floor! Its kinda like your own country club., At this point, Brads wingman, Scott Tom Cruiselike head of hair; works in IT at the University of Washington interjects: I like to remind people, though, that once youre an Elk, youre an Elk for life. Id been widowed twice, but the gentleman I was going with at the time, he got me to join. Women had been lobbying for entrance for years, but it wasnt until 1996, when the Elks had already spent over $1.25 million litigating suits brought by women around the country, that the national organization voted to allow them entrance. African Americans during the 19th and the first half of the 20th century were denied entry into any of the White fraternal organizations. Gradually that group started doing more with charity, and a lot more with veterans, but it was pretty much a mens organization.. Nearly every night, she drives the 10 minutes from her home in North Ballard and drinks MacNaughton and water out of a pink beer mug that everyone knows as hers. Regardless of how it first started, its fair to say the king got his wish. In the early 50s, the Black Elks was home to the Cecil Young Quartet, whom Nat Cole once dropped by to hear after his downtown gig. As times changed, the lodge's importance waned. Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. Item Description. Keiko 's father. Reporting on what you care about. That is, until Amazon and its estimated $5 billion citywide impact and 24,000 Washington employees happened, and every neighborhood seemingly transformed into an amalgam of overpriced condos with living roofs, hot yoga studios, CrossFit boxes, bars with $7 microbrews on tap, and transplants willing to pay for all of it. [33] As swing gained in popularity, the Jackson Street clubs could no longer hold the swelling crowds and jazz spread throughout the city. Indeed, after they arrived in Seattle, Jones' uncle hired the pair for a regular gig at the Black Elks Club, a popular venue in the 600 block of Jackson Street. This is what the Northwest Enterprise, a Seattle based African American newspaper, had to say about Jackson Street in the midst of the Depression in 1933: [11] Carlos Bulosan, the Filipino American novelist and poet, remembered that noisy jazz music kept him awake as a child while he stayed in a rundown hotel on King Street, the heart of Seattles Filipino community. Considering the location, I thought the price was, Audrea H. said: Great room for a great price. Tape Recording, University of Washington Manuscript Collection. Members and visitors gather insideCascade Lodge No. Nationally, the Elks raised $343 million in charitable gifts in 2015, and while each lodge pays dues on the national level, most funds remain local. He says, "Membership will rise and fall. The emphasis on secret was what inspired so much distrust in the exclusive clubs. We bring people together in all kinds of ways, from our weekly paddle club, to bingo games and car shows, to Scout meetings. Blacknall tried to get his 33-year-old son and some of his friends to join the Cascade lodge, but says, "They aren't attracted to structure and policies and all that crap." In the 1870s, 24 foreman and supervisors in the coal mines of Pennsylvania were assassinated. The dream of Seattle had been colonized by a bunch of rich dorks in performance gear who didnt even know how to flirt. The Ancient Order of United Workmen is no longer around, but its legacy continues, as the order unintentionally created anew kind of insurancethat would influence other fraternal groups to add an insurance provision in their constitutions. [1] Paul de Barros, Jackson Street After Hours: The Roots of Jazz in Seattle, (Seattle: Sasquatch Books, 1993), 10. &q 4Culture awarded a grant to extend performances of Panama Hotel Jazz. A year later, the Northwest Enterprise reported another Sunday morning raid, this one on December 30, 1934: Black Elks. A woman who gave her name as Yvette dances and whistles to a song during a 70s-themed partyat Cascade Lodge No. Your Privacy Rights Back then, a self-professed old school member of the Ballard Elks complained about the eager-beaver women agitating for membership: When theyre twisting your arm, he told the Seattle Times, Im sure its going to pass.. It directly impacts their communities, and they can feel and touch it.. This is so fun. Beside them, theres a clean-cut guy in the Seattle-standard rolled-up Oxford who, after some questioning, admits he works for Amazon. The raid marked the fourth on the popular pleasure resort for 1934E. The Maguires likely got its name because members used womens clothing as a disguise while allegedly carrying out its illegal acts, which also included arson and death threats. Riggs obtained a copy of the BPOE ritual and applied for and was granted copyright for the Black Elks. Black First: Today, there arent barriers like that. As late as 1989, there was only one black member at the three Seattle lodges; today, lodges do not collect statistics about the racial makeup of their members, but a normal night more or less mirrors the makeup of Seattle: around 68% white, 14% Asian, 7% Latino or Hispanic, 8% black, and 3% biracial or other races. Since then, the IBPOEW and its women's organization, the Daughters of the IBPOEW, have continued to work for the African American community. Portraits of officers of the Ballard Elks on the monthly initiation day. B. F. Howard took over the running of the organization after Riggs went into hiding. The woman on left is wearing a light colored suit, and the woman on the right is wearing a floor-length, light-colored dress, with a corsage. The lodges median age, 52, is the lowest in the country and a figure that, if current trends hold, will only continue to fall. Call Us: (206) 784-0827 6411 Seaview Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98107 Ballard Elks Lodge #827 The Home of the Ballard Elks in Seattle Washington Home About Us Elks Lodge History Elks Programs & Charities Vocational Scholarship Officers Directory & Committees The Activities Committee Turning 90 again? Ben teases. The Grand Orange Lodge is still around today with clubs in Ireland, as well as others around the world. Todays group includes a broad-smiling, Anthropologie-vibed woman, in her mid-thirties, who became involved through the Eat Ballard neighborhood association; a couple with relaxed faces in their sixties who live in the condos next door; a real estate agent in her forties who thought itd be a good time to be part of a service organization; and a youngish dad who runs a business refurbishing vintage furniture from his home, just a pinecones throw away from here. Theres also a pair of grizzly-bearded, round-bellied twentysomethings, one of whom just moved from Pennsylvania, where his grandfathers an Elk. 1416 in Seattle's Rainier Beach neighborhood, Feb. 23, 2019. Why endure the hassle of joining a fraternal organization when you can just shoot the breeze at the barbershop or a local bar? | Copyright 2023. Brooks' first exposure to the Cascade lodge was as a DJ. ", Nor is the Cascade Elks Lodge, but Exalted Ruler Maurice Blacknall isn't panicking. And she said, I dont want anyone to know its my birthday. So we put up these signs that said, Celebrate Lois, and people came in and said, Oh my god, did Lois pass away? But no, she was alive., Very much so! Lois interjects. Email us at or submit it to our story form. AFM 493 became a lifeline and social pillar for the Black community. Follow him on Twitter @mdseely. The Patriotic Order Sons of America dates back to the early days of the American Republic,according to its official website. The position entails making critical decisions about the day-to-day operations of the lodge and the yearly budget and, like the rest of the trustees and inner council, wearing a tuxedo to the monthly meetings. In the early 21st century, it has 500,000 members and 1500 lodges . Zuniga scrolls through photos on her phone, showing pictures of the girls, who span first through sixth grades, working diligently on various badge projects. [12] Carlos Bulosan, America is in the Heart, (USA: Originally published by Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1943; reprinted by the University of Washington Press, 1973), 99-100. The Seattle Elks Lodge # 92 was the first Lodge in the Northwest. If the 1910s and 1920s firmly ensconced jazz in Seattles nightlife, the Depression era showcased the unique power of jazz music to bring people of all races and classes together. "We're the fastest-growing and youngest lodge in the nation. (Photo courtesy of the University of Washington Special Collections), On June 10, 1918, Seattle saw its first local jazz band perform in Washington Hall, at 14th Avenue and Fir Street. Were in the womens bathroom of the Ballard Elks Club, decorated with white wicker furniture and a tray of drugstore lotions and hairspray. President Roosevelts New Deal cash infusions put money into peoples pockets, which created demand for nighttime entertainment. Find Lodges Near Your Location. [1] Although Washington Hall held many shows, the heart of Seattle jazz was just southeast at the corner of 12th and Jackson Street: according to historian Paul de Barros, [t]his is where Seattle jazz was born and where it flowered.[2]. If we were a mafia organization, one member tells me, then Lois would be the boss. When I first meet her, shes wearing a two-piece jean outfit with nautical embroidery and matching jewelry. This transformative experience in China afforded through jazz music is indeed remarkable. And there are allurements, if you know where to find themJackson Street might well be called the Poor Mans Playground. Here all races meet on common ground and rub elbows as equals. [15] Taylor, 147. Back then, many of these societies served as safe spaces for open dialogue about everything from academia to religious discourse, removed from the restrictive eye of the church and state. Its a great way to meet new members too! They elected their own leaders and drew up constitutions to govern their operations. Turnham was a charismatic musician who next led her own big band. The Elks and similar fraternal organizations were part of a broad trend of joining and civic engagement that started in the 1880s, dropped off during the Great Depression, and surged following World War II. This is part of an occasional series of the places that embody Seattles character. Moreover, because public opinion generally sided with the clubs owner and patrons, raids created sympathy and sometimes additional patronage for Jackson Street night clubs. On her birthday, she received over 200 Facebook messages the vast majority of which came from men and women at least a third of her age. When my family lived in Wallingford, we were the only Asian family in the entire neighborhood. Since then, the demographics of Seattle, like the Elks themselves, have been slow to shift. But will the Seattle Landmarks Board sign off? In truth, Seattles transformation resembles that of San Francisco, Austin, and Brooklyn and is a natural extension of gentrifying processes set in motion more than 20 years ago. KIRO 7 News Team; Submit a news tip; KIRO 7 TV Schedule [33] Taylor, 147. During this period, Yesler Way represented the dividing line between the more respectable parts of Seattle to the north, and the newly settled Yesler-Jackson community to the south. [7] Ibid., 12-17. 1) The Black & Tan Club: 404 12th Ave. S. Seattle's most esteemed and longest-lived jazz nightclub operated from 1922-1966 under various names, and was the backdrop to greats like Duke Ellington, Ray Charles, and Charlie Parker. Some lodges have a difficult time paying monthly bills. Chinese section where Henry's childhood apartment is located. We had my party down here last Saturday night, and one of the gals, she had those things that you put on your titties and twirl around, and she glued them right on her sweatshirt!, Lois has served as the secretary of the Ballard Elks for more than 100 years, managing membership rolls, dues, and correspondence. A name in this story has been changed to reflect the subject's preference. Previously the site of lavish Victorian homes, by 1890 Yesler-Jackson had an abundance of third-rate hotels, shops, bars, and brothels, which made the area decidedly lower-class. [18] Julian Henson, Interview with Paul de Barros, 20 January, 1991. In places like Kansas City and New York during the Great Depression, the style of jazz and the makeup of the jazz band were changing. Based on Charity,. Both organizations are now open to all races, but they continue to operate as separate entities, with little cross-pollination. Its a fun place, and a light place, but I wouldnt take it lightly. But Im not a transplant! he says. Download and print this Membership Application or find an application form in the Lounge during business hours. The woman in the fleece just biked over from her job at the University of Washington, where she heads up Title IX compliance, specifically with sexual assault and violence. A jazz musician famous in Seattle, . 2,000 years of extraordinary achievement After the 1933 raid, the Black and Tan was operating at full capacity in no time, supplying Seattleites of all sorts with jazz and other allurements. Even repeated police raids and arrests could not shutdown a club with the popularity of the Black and Tan. According to local jazz pianist Palmer Johnson, in the 1920s we played [n]o Dixieland and no two-beatThats old-time stuff. Ordering was, Planning and Coordination personalized to create an unforgettable experience from. There are real skeletons in the orders lodges; they are used during initiation to remind its members of their mortality, the Washington Post reported in 2001. We just got PayPal, Brad announces, so weve officially joined the 90s! Hes joking, but the adoption of digital technologies like the ability to pay dues online instead of writing a check (which, until very recently, was the only way to keep your membership active), and an active Facebook page, and the app has been crucial in expanding the Elks reach. by Jessie Carney Smith "All of a sudden, I decided to become a member," he says. Living or dead, an Elk is never forgotten, never forsaken. . Johnson describes Shanghai as a cosmopolitan city with representatives of every race in the population. I didnt join until the 90s. They were determined to form an organization that granted membership to all qualified individuals without regard to race, creed, or ethnicity. So when I moved to Seattle, I asked myself, How do I capture that same community?, In my job, Im in a world of How do you make big global change,' she continues. Ontario Black History Society. During the era of segregation, the lodge was one of the few places where black men and women could socialize, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette wrote. And they took away a lot of our parking.". Around suppertime on a recent Saturday, old-school R&B is on the stereo and a Dallas Cowboys playoff game on the TV above all the bottles, near a mounted elks head. Of every race in the coal mines of Pennsylvania were assassinated & # x27 ; s apartment! To find themJackson Street might well be called the Poor Mans Playground and all folks even are! Ancient Order and set up the lodges womens auxiliary. has been changed to reflect the subject preference. Shanghai they were determined to form an organization that black elks club, seattle membership to all individuals... 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