Well now my boyfriend is fed up & told me that the cats have only two places in the house. We got her at a shelter about 2 years ago. Youve blown it with me. If anything dog people are the controlling ones. How is this going to work with 2 dogs?! I know I need to talk to my husband about this but it would just end up with both of us being hurt and tearful so I need to address how I feel before I broach the subject with him somehow! Im a germaphob and pretty OCD so you could only imagine how this disturbs me! Im a woman, and I agree with you.. Thats over and Id be out of there in a heartbeat! Its just not a fun, loving dog unless she is around. The dog might end up dead if it is given away . I knew he was cuddling her and letting her lick his lips. If you dont, he will cry and bark. They also fart constantly and I dont need to smell dog fart while Im eating either! My husband loves our dogs as much as I do. He has nearly become my dog, she just cuddles him. I hate them. My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years and in the past year he was my biggest supporter on me finally getting a dog of my ownwell now a year or so later my dog still needs lots of training but my boyfriend has simply made it clear he will never move in or get a place with me if I have my dog . Fortunately for her she sees the warning flags going up big time and I feel the same as many other people that no matter what, I feel my house is dirty. I have a medium size dog, 2 & half year old, who has always slept in bed with me. Hes totallly talking me for granted since I stay home. Then suddenly, he brings he dog to the new house!! For the kitchen, you can use a baby gate in order to restrict access. Your householders have allergies to dogs. Be Polite but Vigilant. recently broke up but live together. This dog is horrible and is ruining my life. Your husband is a cruel bully and should not own a dog. We have been going rounds about the animal for quite some time. Am I crazy for feeling this way? The dog has serious issues!! Instead Ive tried suggesting that he is not allowed in the kitchen or bedrooms. Like a lot of you, anything you put in your mouth she expected a piece of it. She grabs chargers or cords. I Dont care for the slobbering ones myself, but owner should wipe their mouths around company esp. The dog needs to be in its position. Hes a good dad but can not show boundaries or rules to this dog. It shows she not only has any idea how pets work, but what is really helpful for someone who is depressed. Love that has a high possibility of easily breaking within the next year or so as we are not bounded by our instincts to stay together? Then you need to take action to solve whatever issue the dog has with that promise on your hand, resulting in the husband/boyfriend refusing to get rid of the dog. Second her dogs neediness and constant begging for attention like a 3 year old child, like hell literally cry until she picks him up! He claims that my dog (to whom I am VERY attached and mutually so) wishes (he) was dead so that dog could have me all to himself and no one else. hes 14 so it cant go on forever. I have asked many times if we could transition him to the crate or his own bed at night but I always have gotten the statement of people dont get frenchies to put them in a crate, they get them to baby. Even babies need some boundaries and rules! My husband and I also have a 2 year old son. I murdered her last dog the one she had when we met with murder being defined as telling her its time to put it down because it suffered advanced dementia. You cannot compare a dog to a child. I am experiencing all of a sudden this painful feeling of being back-stabbed. Well, I put my foot down and said NO MORE PETS. I left and havent regretted it. Why does the animal lover have to change and sacrafice when the animal hater would not dare do the same?? I made my son sleep in the basement because a rat dog is more important than my family.. The second cat is his moms and the cat is the most annoying cat ever, the cats been in diapers his whole life.. but he is perfectly capable of going to the litter box he even trys to go while hes wearing his diaper my boyfriends mom changes that cats diaper on the same counter she prepares food with out disinfecting it.. when i addressed my boyfriend he claimed she does.. He says Im the sick one being jealous of dog. Why do so many pet lovers refuse to see that. But he cant sit on the porch and stare inside. I am interrupted by dogs noisy playing in the house every time I try to speak and the illustrious owner ignores and interrupts me to quieten them down. Im done if this behavior continues. Hes taking his threats a bit rough, like taking the whole fingers in the mouth but I think hes gonna learn to take it gentle with some training. My issue with my spouse and his dog is the dog, an animal, usurped me, given higher value, and more cherished than his wife. When A Dog Arrives. Both require love and care. They are the selfish ones with no respect. :\ and the thought of our baby being born soon I dont want dog hair anywhere! I love but hate her. Animals just dont cut it. Which isnt that bad, its actually really comfortable. Sam Basso has a unique personal touch. He has appeared on his own TV show, been a guest radio expert, gives seminars, publishes a dog related blog, does rescue volunteering, and is active in promoting animal welfare and fair dog laws. Call Today! For now this isnt a huge issue because I have my own place. It takes some longer than others but you cannot let them run a mock and if he sets and KEEPS the boundaries without whining about it and accepts it wholeheartedly, then things can move forward. Monogamy is not a human concept rather a social one we have grown accustomed to. Hes 8 yrs old (blue) and the other one is 7 (Bobbi) aka pig swine and has ADHD. i hate being home just because i dont want to be around her. Popular doesnt mean its right. A spouse is not inherently loyal to you because humans are not monogamous meaning that something or someone could easily lead them astray. Now I ask you this, if you had to hold your poss for 10 or 12 hours at night, would you not have an occasional accident? The dog is 10 years old roughly and does not listen at all. Then we moved in together. I did a huge mistake by overlooking a huge red flag, but I dont regret adopting the cat. I have been online searching and begging him to find a resolve, but he hasnt tried. this mutt constantly undermines me and its my partners fault as its allowed by her. Ill give you the benefit of the doubt and hope that there is a legitimate reason against him. My cat (had before we met) is and indoor/outdoor cat. If you have your talk and he still dismisses your POV, then drastic steps may be in order. i know its what dogs do, but the other one doesnt sit and beg. Amen! They are allowed to be in the kitchen begging constantly at your heels and their breath becomes what you taste when you eat. He takes care of the vet and feeding, but, except for his bed, I do the cleaning of dog hair and messes on my floor. My husband tried and got s ratch pretty bad so he kicked them. So I feel trapped in a way as I do not wish to have a broken family nor do I want to continue living in my current situation. Its seemed like she was in love with him! Pls help!!!! As long as your partner isnt abusive toward animals, he or she doesnt have to let Fido lick him/her on the face or put up with Kittys constant scratching. I also have a dog of my own. The experience has scarred me so much that I will never date another man with a dog. (Saliva most likely). I feel like this will eventually be the end to our relationship and I dont know what to do. I am at the stage now where I am sick of hearing that I am a slave to my dog that my dog runs my life and that he is sick of hair on his pants I have a non shedding breed. It just is what it is. Dont let them play without your supervision. I worry about if I ever left my baby playing on the floor for a minute and his dog were to want her attention would he bite her or scratch her? and gave her one of her chewies, and never again, shes very smary and loyal, she stays close off leash enough to whete I can see her but she can still run after things and be a dog. I love animals, I just dont want anymore pets. The way she treats her dog is how she approaches life in general with no boundaries. I have had a sprained ankle for the past almost 2 weeks from trying to get her to come back in before work. Because of that, your husband may think the do is far better off in your house free of little ones. He was taught to stay off the furniture and we did not feed him from our plate, so he never begged for food. She even barked when he kissed me. My boyfriend and I each have a dog, were pretty serious about each other but we live separately in the same apartment complex. Not to mention, leaving their dirty paws, feces, and drool on the couch. My birds Ive had for 20 years. Good for you! I must also add that over the past 6 months I have grown very much attached to his cat. He is treating the puppy like a baby and trying to get me interested but Im not, besides I have my own dog that I never brought with because I knew the conditions were not favourable and I know we hardly at home, so it was best to leave her with my family and their pets that she grew up with. We recently moved out but only temporarily, we are doing friends a favour and staying in their house until is is sold, as it is for sale. Hes told to stop, etc; which really does nothing anymore, cause hes use to being allowed to do what he wants. Yeah plenty of men like well behaved dogs that arent trained by women who worship the dog like ot walks on water. good luck! I dont feel like she likes him anymore.. This thread has helped me cope with my situation soooo much. I tried to look past, including accommodating his dog in my home when he stayed weekends (until my son was home every weekend then bf near disappeared) but years later the mentality hAsnt changed. Theyre not his companion: you are. Its hard to throw a marriage away because of this, only you will know whats best for you. I am the one to feed, let outside and forever try to clean up the urine from the carpet because one of the older dogs (13) is almost completely incontinent. I was running to emergency vets every 2 weeks. With the new baby I am worried about when he starts crawling, well have to keep the dog kenneled all the time. But hes so insistent on making him an outside dog. Please find a home or even a foster home for the dog, he deserves to be with a family that truly wants him! I didnt get any attention except when he asked whats for dinner. I also hated it when the dog would sleep on my pillow or by my side of the bed and it was also joked about when I mentioned it. I cant afford fancy training and I just dont know what to do. Weve been going strong for a couple of years. people could not get near the human because her behavior got so possessive. I felt I needed to make a home for this cat. Ive read about this more and more myself realizing that its a real problem with some people that just cant distinguish their four legged animal from a human being. She is not a bad dog, is very obedient, but my life is nothing but white dog hair right now. The dogs get along great together too. I started dating a girl and she had one bulldog. Ive mentioned several times how much I was looking forward to getting a dog, amongst other things, but my husband started saying youre not getting a dog, and when I asked why not, he either ignored me or changed the subject. OMG that is horrible! Dogs need to be dogs . She tried to intervene but it wouldnt stop, biting me a few times. And then all those hairs EVERYWHERE and a constant smell of ammonia of all the pee in the house. My boyfriend now wont go near him and yells at him to get away from him and ignores him, so my dog gets upset and keeps trying to see him. and our I just got done reading this article and all of the comments and its fair to say there are people who love dogs like they are their own children and then there are people who dont understand that at all. she even comes into the car for whatever we do, everytime he picks me up for anything she will be sitting in the passenger side.. i ask him does she really need to go everywhere with us but he just gets in a mood with me. My boyfriend and I recently moved in together and with that said, I acquired his seven year old Jack Russell female. Hes a neat freak and Ive got a miniature husky mix who sheds a lot. I have to be at work by 8am, Steve only works at 10am. Good luck and congratulations on your new baby!! I feel so sorry for her partner. I absolutely do. So here I am, a year later, heartbroken for my feline (who by the way I had before the fianc, and she is still a perfect little lady) with a dog I cant stand, and a man I basically resent all BC I was dumb enough to bring it home. I am still sad but know it is for the best and that I would never be happy. Its pure selfishness and theres nothing you can do about it. He used to sleep with both the dog and cat in bed before we lived together. Fortunately he does and so the worst thing that happens is a few flecks of grey showing up on black clothes! He has had them about 8 years now. And I would have. I enjoy cuddling her. Lots of relationships get stressed and dog lovers are incredibly strange in what they tolerate. My dog sleeps in her bed until about 2-4 in the morning when it gets cold, she jumps into bed. So I meet a new girl and I think SHE is the world. My now husband and I began dating 3 years ago, he knew I had the dog, was fine with it, bought it toys, etc. That is the hardest part. She does not listen very much at all. when the dog died which really upset me as i am a massive dog lover but he replaced him with another male even though i cannot deal with marking in the house and every darn thing in the garden covered with weewee , i have ferrets in a large shed and run but we have a gate infront of them or the dog will wee on them so he wees on the lock instead so i have to open that go indoors wash my hands before i can get a cuddle of my ferrets . If anyone has been in a similar situation Id be grateful for any advice you can offer. This is, if she had the ONE dog and didnt have it take precedence over her relationship and obsess about it then it wouldnt really be an issue but I ended up disliking the dog(s) because of her attitude with them. Compromise. I would let her sleep with us until she pooped in our bed. Shes a decently trained dog though, she knows to do her business outside, she listens after the third time you tell her and for the most part is well mannered. All I am asking for is to sleep without a dog in my room. If you call it barking. When dogs misbehave its usually the owners fault. All was discussed prior and she promised all sorts of things regarding there keep, like no begging, toilet training walking etc. We dont live together so the few hours we spend together shouldnt be such a hassle for him, after a few minutes my dog either goes to sleep or chews on something and doesnt bother him anymore. Why not question your need to put human needs beneath dogs. I am not having any more children and I wanted a little dog to cuddle with and love on and sour in my lap. Am I crazy? As humans we are supposed to have some capacity of having emotional responses to animals that are completely different to those that we have of people! Ill be ****** having a kid and a dog that acts like he needs the same attention. The fact is, its not the dog. I am so glad I stumbled across this forum because its the only place Ive found people whose experiences are most similar to mine. I have come to find out that nothing keeps it at bay. Now for those of you who hate dogs, or animals on general, you wont understand the bone a person can have with an animal. How rude, especially for women, yet she never did anything wrong! My bf refuses to train them, and it has worsened the quality of my life. My boyfriend hates my dog and is really mean to him, I love his dog I just get tired and frustrated of him not respecting me. I was scared. For the love of God, DO NOT MOVE IN WITH THIS WOMAN!!! Walking, playing, feeding, etc and I clean more than he does for the fact that animals shed and I feel it is necessary to accommodate. We cant go on a cruise because he wants to take IT with us. I guess its my fault for pursuing her knowing she had a dog but you cant help who you fall in love with and shes a great person so I cant see myself leaving over a darn animal at times. I said screw it at one point and kicked him out of the room and shut the door on him. It hasnt even been a month and things have gotten worse. My bf make excuses for the dog. I truly love this girl but Im on my way out! My wifes stupid dog (125lb German Shepherd) attacked our son and she STILL lets him around our son when I leave the house. My boyfriends dog slept with us at first but my health deteriorated, to the point my doctor told me we had to get rid of her because my lungs were on the verge of irreversible lung damage, but my boyfriend refused to get rid of her so you have to find solutions. Besides my allergies, Ive always thought dogs were kinda stupid and boring and burdensome . This exactly my issue.. love dogs and have had them but I believe in a well training obedient happy dog not one like you mentioned.. and when them not willing to try to fix.. and not understand.. that is challenge.. getting the understanding and I feel quilty because most family and friends dont like the dog..and it isnt here fault it is his creation of her.. she is very sweet and I have lots of very expensive and nice things that are not easily replaceable not big on material things but they are family heirlooms and gifts.. plus I get easily nauseated by smell of dog.. Im trying to not be part of the dislike club.. She constantly is dropping her slobbery toys in my lap. Because those relationships arent real relationships. Housetraining: It seems like lack of house training is the issue here. Sometimes you cant have it all. Or move out. Im becoming totally bitter about this. His dog has ripped up a very nice carpet I bought with my own money, he has ripped up baby clothes and my own clothes before. I HATE her! And Im so sorry for all that youve gone through. I am so bothered by the mess this dog has caused and it makes me feel like well never have a nice clean home! I had a dog as a kid and loved it until it disappeared one day. But hes gone a lot from his job and I have 5 kids and 2 dogs. Dogs can be wonderful pets, but people dont realize the WORK that goes into having a well adjusted, healthy dog. What about my feelings. I totally and 1000% understand where you are coming from! Not to my boyfriend. But once its time to sleep she is right in my face panting and pawing. I am seriously thinking of telling him to get lost because I dont need the constant complaining, especially since he has no control over his dog but ignores how well my dog listens. I have no advice for you and I have no idea how people have four dogs. I knew he loved his dog going in, but it wasnt until we started dating that I saw just how much his dog sheds and how insane his love is for his pet. Some husbands/boyfriends decide to rehome their dogs as a result of being exhausted by endeavoring to provide sufficient exercise on a daily basis. He lied about liking animals and expects me to comply with his demand of putting them in a shelter, or else. I lived with being blamed for things I didnt do, snide remarks, one upmanship contests. I think his obsession with his dog is a little unhealthy, and I wish I had known this before I fell for him. He was even having me pay $1000 month to pay for my health insurance through his employer group coverage his was free. Frankly, this is a fair circumstance that needs to be addressed right away. They need structure, like getting food and walks at the same time every day, and they should not be rewarded for bad behavior, like begging, with getting food, petted, etc. If I get up from the couch she will jump in my place and not move and the GF just smiles it off. These same dogs that these dog nuts break up with people over, would leave these people in a heart beat if someone came along with a juicy bit of steak. I have to change something in me and my mindset to make this work. Dogs are animals they should not be sleeping In human beds. It just became too much. vocally, he is loud in the middle of the night, and first thing in the morning, until he has the ability to be right next to her. I could never get a night sleep, because they would be jumping on and off the bed, start whining in the night, wanting to go out to pee in the middle of the night. A couple days ago, I sadly ended the relationship after two years of this torture. For starters, chewing is something that pretty much all puppies do. Instead we come out realizing that there are dog-obsessed freaks out there. I was a woman, just remarried, deeply hurt by my husband whom treated his female Labrador with more value, more affection, more it seemed, everything than he did his new bride. he directs his negativity at a 11 month old puppy. According to them, people who dont like dogs are not to be trusted. Take off your tinfoil hat Do dogs even understand what monogamy is? I knew his dog shed but BOY OH BOY did I not realize to what extent!!! You may find that one of you is simply less in love with your pets than the other. Copyright 2007 - 2023 GoodTherapy, LLC. She also has a this high pitched bark that she does when shes in her kennel at night because she wants to get out. I wish you all the luck and hope your situation improves. My question to you is: Your pet surely is not a happy animal in his given situation. Vilma, I dealt with that same garbage in my last relationship so I can relate. Have faith that what you feel is correct. so this is in no way helps but instead its excerbating my health issues. Its hard. When the dog is not around, (because his dad will take the dog to camp with him) everything is great, but when the dog comes back its terrible. Mans worst friend: Average dog causes 2,000 family arguments in its lifetime. Thank you. I plan on keeping the mom and the babies will be adopted through the rescue I volunteer for. Getting 5 hours of sleep because the dogs are up making noise or birds chirping, it gets old real fast. Who is going to care for it? To which she replies I thought you would. At first, I loved her. I have always generally preferred animals to people, and I made all of this clear to my husband before we got married. Its to the point that we cant even go out to dinner if we dont have someone dog sit because his new found obsession is digging at the stucco on my house. I work from home, so while she went to work and the kids went to school, who got stuck with the whiny poop machine me. I would never allow an animal to usurp me ever again. In me and my mindset i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog make this work, only you will know whats best for you and have! Women, yet she never did anything wrong pretty much all puppies do benefit of the and. Him to find out that nothing keeps it at one point and him! Ive got a miniature husky mix who sheds a lot from his job and i agree with i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog! The same attention partners fault as its allowed by her nothing you can offer never allow an animal usurp... Love animals, i dealt with that same garbage in my face panting and.. I acquired his seven year old son general with no boundaries he needs the?! 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