My distance vision is fair, mid range ok, near vision requires reading glasses. Had a yag procedure to remove those membranes and the problem is still here. Prior to getting the surgery I wore rigid gas permeable contacts. This time I used frames that I already owned, so they only charged me for the exam and the lenses. My vision seemed blurred so when I turned 65 I thought I needed cataract surgery. Tried to give complaints description as everyone before me as stated however told my email not corrected. About 2 years ago I finally had enough money to do cataract surgery so I could get the best lenses for my eyes. Is he kidding, I'm a friggin accountant, so what do I do? Thanks doctor your an idiot! I had 5 more laser treatments. No waist your money or chance of complications on this procedure. WebA California class action lawsuit is a legal action in which one or more plaintiffs sue as representatives of a group of people with similar claims. Looks like the doctor picked out the wrong lenses and now i can see ok far somewhat intermediate and not at all close. I have to spend a fortune on prescription pressure drops prescribed by a retinal Dr as well as dry eye drops. I can not believe I am going to have to live with this the rest of my life! I had a Crystalens implanted in my left eye in October 2011, and can see good up close and intermediate..but my distance vision sucks! Are those failures due to the implants, and have the doc always done his job 100% perfectly ? I just wanted to get rid of the Halos around lights and asked him which lens to have and he said this was the best ones, and now I have shadows behind letters on tv screen and no halos but all lights on cars Schmeer to the left also ruined my distance vision cannot even read street signs when in car. The letter described the product, problem, and actions to be taken by the customers. One of the worst decisions in my life. I had this surgery 3/20/16, the results are I cant read large print at an arms length, my 84 year old mom reads much better than I can and she has the standard distant lens. WebJanssen Pharmaceuticals is facing lawsuits over the link between Elmiron (pentosan polysulfate sodium), a drug used to treat Interstitial Cystitis (also known as Painful Your password has been sent to the specified email address. They didn't work. I went with this eye surgeon because of extensive advertising. I went to several doctors and finally Dr. Kahook at the University of Colorado asked me if I had a hard time seeing. I had both eyes done as an optional remedy for cataracts. My distance vision is good. I am looking for a Class action lawsuit against Bausch & Lomb for Crystalens and if there isn't one I would like to start one. dc. One close, one distance. I could not see them well enough to identify them So made some guesses and they said good enough. I'm upset that it seems to not be able to be corrected. Since then, I have had two Vitrectomies which did help with the "jelly" in the eyes. Webclass action law suit noun derivative action, directors and officers liability, group lawsuit, group litigation, law suit by large numbers of litigants with a common grievance, suit by I could have gone to court and start a trial. When you call you will select 3 twice. Thirty-four plaintiffs filed claims involving 47 PIOL implants I didn't have what most of you talk about vision wise, but I've felt sick, dizzy, and tired from day one. The goal for the whole operation was to fly IFR in my plane without flipping glasses up and down trying to read the instruments on the dashboard of the plane not even close! Three weeks after surgery I was back in his office with complaint of vision worsening. Have you priced ********, it did not help my problem! I am a private pilot. I filled the prescription for about $130. The ophthalmologist said they dont even sell these lens in their practice because of the terrible results. Sheila. I have had two doctors tell me since surgery that I never should have been told that I was a candidate. I hate them i'm thinking of having them removed. She suffered with poor vision at all distances and was so light sensitive that she had to sit in a dark room with sunglasses and could not go outside except on very cloudy days. Wish I knew someone that could help me! An example of how my vision is doing since the procedure (1) like when you've been in a heavily chlorinated pool. I don't know about class action lawsuit, but do know I am an inch away to talking to a lawyer! I had the Crystal Lens put in during cataract removal about a year & a half ago. This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback. I don't fly any more because I am retired but have always been critical of my vision. Ever since the next morning after surgery. I am told that I have dry eye but the test performed was not as dry as in the past when I could see without blur. I used to do the ****** procedure has introduced this procedure to many Dr's. When I answered "distance" he sneered at me. Also, eye technology is still growing, and a few mishaps may be a required step for research to go forward, and try to develop better products for the far future. I fear having the cataract removal on my left eye because I am afraid I will end up with the same problem. Jackie, I had the crystalens done 3 years ago because I wanted something better for my eyes, 6 months after my distance vision was like it was before the crystalens, now 3 years later I cannot go out on a sunny day even with sunglasses, the sun bothers my eyes so bad I have to keep closing then, I am an active person, driving here and everywhere. I asked what the side effects are and the doctor said none. Believe me how I wish I could see a clear day even a few day's a week! My two lenses (both eyes & crystalens) did not accomodate properly. Distance was a problem. I'm in the same boat. Yes, LASIK surgery does definitely cause dry eyes. On the other and, I arrived home feeling excruciating pain in the eye he worked on. I have just purchased a year and three months later to my replacement with the crystalens two new pairs of glasses. (4) When looking through my eye's I also have faint objects floating across the eyeball like trash or a hair! Boy I am so furious, Bausch and Lomb make the Crystal lens, they are curious what went wrong? He did a laser surgery that day and put it back in place. I can not wait to go to bed so my eyes will be closed and I do not have to deal with it. Now the distance in my right eye is getting worst, is so fussy! In June 2019 HAD to give up my job as school administrator, 6 years earlier than planned. To add to frustration I compare my vision to my sibling vision and they can read text even smaller then I can and see just as far, and they only have the soft lenses. Yes, I see better technically, but my overall visual experience is worse. First eye surgery was very painful - I could see to read immediately but anything 3 ft or more out is horrible. I paid $5, 000 for a set of crystal lenses and the results I got are a mixed bag. He is well aware of the problems with good solutions. Still no movement in the Crystalens and so much surgery done that there seems no chance of getting rid of the Crystalens! I was better off prior to cataract surgery. He has no bed side manner and acts as though he is insulted when I tell him my problems, he doesn't display any compassion or concern and acts like it is something I'm just going to have to live with he already has my money! Now the Dr. is telling me I can have surgery to make the left eye better to read or I can have a piggy back surgery in the right eye where they add a lense on top of the original! The Crystal Light Synthetic Ingredient Class Action Lawsuit is Noohi v. The Kraft Heinz Company, Case No. Implant works for distance, ok midrange, forget close, a mono lense I was told from a second doctor would have worked just as well. Finally, he saw me there that evening, applied some drops on my eye and send me home without any improvement of my pain. And I still don't wear them but I feel it is going to happen. I got mono vision(recommended by doctor) and it sucks just as bad as what you all are saying. I wear a patch quite often over my right eye, especially when trying to read, because it is so distorted. I went to his office as an emergency in pain and he had his assistant put numb drops in for the pain and did not really say anything about the situation beside to keep putting drops in my eye and come back to see him in the next day or two. xxx full movie watch online; stage 2 cystocele and rectocele; Website Builders; prophecy rn pharmacology b quizlet. You would have to know from your chart what those numbers are. I went in and had yag done on both eyes another $2000.00. My mother is with you. By the way, I am 72 years of age presently and had glasses for the first time at age 42, at first for near-sightedness and about 10 years later for reading up close. !Oh yeah I was the perfect candidate for it, now after a second Advance Laser Correction to correct his mistake and miscalculations, and a 3rd Yag it is still the same.! She has been unable to sleep since the implants were put in. She has never been depressed or a hypochondriac in her life! I regret using the crystalens. I have not had any problem with up-close vision, but my distance vision has become very bad, especially at night or in any area where there isn't good lighting. ( Id.) My doctor called Bausch and Lomb, I have written many letters to them complaining about the Z syndrome. Three months after crystal lens in both eyes, $6000 later, I am worse off than ever in my life. I can not wait to go to bed so my eyes will be closed and I do not have to deal with it. Had cataract surgery. I had 20/20 distance and close up were getting bad to the point I was wearing cheaters with 200/225 lenses. you need the actual medical serial number of lens put in your eye, it should be in your charts. SOLD--Why would I choose to wear glasses for the rest of my life? When looking at the label on the shelf and can not read anything on it is too blurry! I cannot drive see halos and blurry vision. Need 20 plus people with crystal lens implant issues for class action law suit if interested email Really what are drops for? It hasn't. I went to the supposedly best eye institute in Florida, and I have been screwed!!! She found a new eye doctor that helped her report her old one. I wanted the new Restor multi focal he said they were crap and did this to me now night vision is bad the one they set closer blurs the one thats set far. did not work as advertised i have halos starbursts and eye pain.and can only see at a distance. Mom is scared and depressed and she can no longer read because the words on the pages cause problems. Se sent me to his assistant--after many--many eye tests and measurements--for pre-op exam the "assistant" then told me about the lens choices. A lady called me named Melissa Jurado and she acted like she worked for Bausch and Lomb. DON'T BUY THEIR PRODUCTS / NOT ANY OF THEM // NOT EVEN DROPS! Best advice; know your risk and really do your homework. I would be willing to go through all again forever just to get the ReSTOR lens removed. My eyes have adapted to the lens and Im able to focus, distant or near just like with my young eyes. The Dr's response: He gave eye drops. Instructions for Downloading Viewers and Players. Only good news is I don't have floaters or halos. That is what I heard from the "assistant". They pretty much talked me into these crystalens, promising that I would be able to focus in and out, see far away as well as near and mid-range without the need of glasses or reading glasses, so I paid an extra $3500 for it, but it was much more than that in total, considering what my insurance paid. Bosch & Lomb knows it and so does the FDA. Left eye just as bad. The rings come away from the light what looks to be 6 feet in circumference. I totally agree. Go on FDA recalls with Crystal lens Bausch and Lomb. She needs glasses to see. At night the blurriness gets worse and the glasses are no help. Using both eyes makes me dizzy! The nightmare is not over, but the new eye doctor at least got the ball rolling for me to get a minute refund for the Crystalens. I am able to play racquetball as the ball is bigger and slower; however, I have trouble telling the angle of the balls. I had one eye done in December 2012 and one done in January 2013. Luckily I only had this surgery on my right eye two years ago. Of course they cost $600. He gave me a sample of eye drops and told me I should return to the optometrist I was seeing before. I think Bausch and Lomb should reimburse me for this disaster! BOYCOTT Bosch & Lomb - -BEST ADVISE TO PASS ON TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW - - By Consider The Consumer on 10/18/2018. I had cataract surgery in March 2012 Bausch and Lomb implants in both eyes Was fine until a yr ago Things started clouding up My right eye is worse, Had an apt today and it comfirmed that the lense has gone bad. Couldn't believe how well they worked. I never heard the Crystalens until my eye doctor insisted how wonderful it is and I would be a wonderful candidate. Our feeling all along has been that either the lenses or the eye drops caused neurological problems. The Crystal Light class action claims that several flavors are part of the allegedly false marketing including: Strawberry Pure, Tropical Blend Pure, Grape Pure, This new implant, approved by the FDA in 2009, uses diffractive rings on its posterior surface to maximize clear images at all ranges of vision. The flimsy piece of S__T broke when I was carrying them in my hand. Paid $6000 extra. I will wind up having wasted $3400 and still wearing glasses for all but distance. I had 20/20 distance and close up were getting bad to the point I was wearing cheaters with 200/225 lenses. Facsimile: (212) 355-9592 . I would rather cover my right eye and see out of my left eye because it is more comfortable. He saidi the lens was tilted and that it had to come out. My right eye is always irritated & mostly blurry. PLEASE do not have this surgery unless you are very desperate--do your research on other lenses before you do this or get the standard lens and take your chances with having to wear glasses. WebThe Tecnis IOL is another exciting option for the treatment of both cataracts and presbyopia. Yet the whole reason he wanted to do mono vision to was eliminate glasses. My eye's are worse than they were before the ReSTOR procedure! But near and mid has gradually faded while far has only improved slightly. I was promised by my ophthalmologist that the Crystal lens would self adjust so I can see both near and far on my right eye. I can see well, but when I enter a place with florescent lights like: an airport, stores, or when I drive at night; the glare causes me grate discomfort and confusion. : P030002. My saga continues! I have had severe persistent dry eyes since the surgery. I did the surgery because I was told I had narrow angle closure glaucoma and needed to do something and this was my best permanent option. So I figured I would try something new that would give me good close up vision. My Doctor was the most highly advertised guy on the West Coast of Florida! Very worry about losing more vision I already have the laser done on both eyes and instead getting better it got worse, don't know what to do. The eye traces were covered under my insurance, however I PAID $3300.00 per eye for my Symfony lenses. Another example to help you understand what I am dealing with (2) as if there is a Vaseline film over both eyes and it never clears up (3) during pollen it is miserable, feels like dust has been blown in my eye and last for weeks! She was healthy and active before the surgery, a voracious reader and worked every crossword puzzle she could find. My reading vision prescription is much stronger than before surgery. Now Im stuck with these in my eyes forever and my vision is worse now than it was before my cataract surgery. Glasses are a way of life after wearing contacts for years. I am 34 and have had a very weak eye all of my life. Web6 andentitiesoverwhichitexercisedoperationalcontrol,conductedsugarcanecultivation activities,includingburningofsugarcanefieldsandsugarcanewastematerial,thatdamaged is a leading complaint resolution website on the Internet. I was shocked to learn about the miracle lenses--not paid for my Medicare--hat I could buy-- I thought I was just getting regular Medicare cataract operation--I was sold on the CrystaLens--she told me that I would have full vision the lens adjusts for distance-computer reading and for reading-- and I MIGHT need glasses--AT NIGHT--Reading a Menue--in a dark restaurant-- if I got both eyes fixed with these miracle lenses. I supposedly had the best surgeon for this in the U.S. - Steve Slade (in Houston), but found out later he was working with the drug company, most ethical doctors do not recommend this type of relationship. It has made my life so miserable. The best way to describe my situation is as though I have a contact lens that has dried and floated into my feild of vision. Im 70 years old and I couldn't be happier with the vision Crystalens has given back to me. Doc tells me DRY EYE. It also has an aspheric optic design engineered to reduce the spherical aberration of an average cornea. I use special drops all day long. I would rather it just start working again. When I finally saw the doctor he almost ridiculed my answer about the glasses. All I saw were posters of Florence Henderson advertising Crystalens in every room of the office. The Crystalens is intended for primary implantation in the capsular bag of the It was OK to see far for just a bit could not read at all but then I ended up losing eye sight completely one day when I woke up to nothing but fog. I never received any notification at all regarding this. I am 43 and I am afraid of my future. I will never be able to do the same kind of work I once did, and I am just grateful to be employed in a low paying entry lever cashier job at this time, and I am continuously concerned about being let go for my lack of vision at work. It cost me $3, 600.00 out of pocket, I haven't complained much but my eye surgeon tells me my vision is good and it's not. argh. I am beginning to agree with everyone else!. My decreased peripheal vision is quite noticeable, also. WebHomeowner files class action lawsuit to stop smart meters. WebHEIMANN & BERNSTEIN, LLP . I can still read & see the pc fine, but all the clearness & sharpness I had for distance has not came back & now am noticing a flash of lights on the side, the right eye, of course. My periferal vision is bad. If we try to do alone it is hard to prove. Did you get message just now re: the fact that I learned of recall and class action. I am trying so hard to get this Crystal lens situation and results exposed, with whom ever is with me? Finally the eye surgeon agreed to exchange the right eye after I agreed not to sue him. After all of the tests (including cancer scans), our suspicions keep returning to the Crystalenses or the excessive use of steroid eye drops the surgeon prescribed. I followed through with the surgery at a second doctor, who was not as eager to do the implant, but merely based on my age. I can see far away but anything in between and close is awful. I flew to Oklahoma City from Denver to spend a month helping her and talking with specialists. The only plus is that colors are brighter. Laser surgery is next. Looking through each eye alone images appear to be duel and overlapping. Had a cataract surgery. For more than 15 years we have helped nearly 50000 customers resolve their issues and will never stop striving to ensure further improvements on our platform for a better communication between companies and customers. I cannot see well enough to take the test. He said my cornea was rigid, smaller than the crystalens and I have dry eyes that's why I have problem with the crystalens. The Tecnis MF +3.25 D (2.8 lenses implanted per month with an average charge of $2,500) was next, chosen by 18 percent of the surgeons. I would love to boast and encourage others to have ReSTOR procedure done but after my experience I would not wish this on anyone! I had cataracts surgeries on Mar 2016 and Apr 2016 with rigth eye distance, left eye near multi focal Crestalens's. After visiting EIGHT eye doctors, including the best that Emory University has to offer four in Charlotte and the original surgeon, no one could explain [or would state] what was happening. i had crystalens done in both eyes. After two years it is totally unbearable to look at a computer screen for longer than three minutes. Seriously ruined my life. And it has turned out great, everything is clear and bright, I have 20/25 vision at distance, 20/12.5 at midrange and only need readers for very fine print. They did not fit well, did not maintain their shape and were always falling off my nose. The Doc says it's caused by dry eye. I am happy to know it is just not me with this issue but I cannt believe we are to be left like this. My wife came out of there seeing much better. Vision is near perfect. I got Crystal Lens and now I cannot see well enough to drive or work on my computer (my wife has to type this complaint). Reading vision improved yay no reading classes woohoo lasted about 10 months back to using reading classes. I could not see intermediate or distance objects and still can't. hv. $8000 lesson that I will pay to Care One for years. After talking with the doctor about my lifestyle, outdoor enthusiasts, private pilot, this lens appeared to be the best choice (good midrange and distant vision with some decrease in very close vision). When I asked about complications they said I shouldn't worry. What the heck was that plan when they were supposed to "accommodate"?? I didn't want my husband to be mad if I had ruined my investment towards perfect vision by tanning in a tanning bed) . I too was sold a pack of lies. You may want to checkout the FDa recall website, there is a list of Crystallens, Bausch and lomb, the list are actual serial numbers that were defective, letters should have been sent to patients. Within a week I experienced a horrible stabbing pain in my eye. WebIn general, prosecuting attorneys involved in class action lawsuits will receive payment for legal work upon conclusion of a victorious case.. 1 million to resolve allegations that it knowingly sold defective earplugs, but this only reimbursed the government.. A group of people that has suffered the same or similar injuries can collectively file one lawsuit When driving, cars actually appear closer on my sides then they actually are. It can be challenging a come with a lot of head aches. I called his office several times that afternoon asking permeation to return there. Have you priced 'Restasis'? Well I am now learning this only works for a short period of time. I'm so disappointed. I'm 54 and never wore glasses until I bought a pair of reading glasses at 48. Back to Walgreens for readers and continue to pay my $8000 bill? My vision wasn't all that bad. P. S. Don't buy the iheater either. You may hear Dr. Santamaria on this radio interview: How do we launch a class action lawsuit? The class action lawsuit was filed by customers who claimed the companys use of the artificial flavoring DL-malic acid in Crystal Light meant that the products were I have written to Bausch & Lomb to no avail. I feel like I was cheated and ripped off by a quack of a doctor, he had total disregard for end resultsseems like that the fad with them when it turns out badthey won't take responsibility..Anyone else on the class action lawsuit? for the crystal lens because I was promised it would accommodate both near and far vision. If somebody knows of one, please post a link to it! I cannot see near and distance vision is blurry. I have NO DISTANCE in my Crystalens left eye and I paid $3,400 for this--WARNING--DO NOT GET SOLD on this Crystalens! Maybe that is the way to gofalse advertising! The visions in-between the far and mid, mid and close do not do well! What a waste! Also this so called specialist left scarring tissue around the cataract causing blurring on all lights at night and not crisp clear vision. I did what they said and then they asked what about the letters on the right? may be worth checking it out. Bausch and Lomb takes no responsibility. More I closed my left eye and saw faint images. I went to two doctors and both said I would not be able to correct it with LASIK. I have been back twice and he keeps saying my vision on the right side (distance) isn't perfect and that he gave me a prescription for glasses for now and we will reevaluate in the fall. Did need the other eye. Class action lawsuits are found in every state, but states like California, New York, Florida, New Jersey and Texas tend to have the highest number of class action complaints filed in America. wish my eyes weren't so blurry so I could read all the comments. I went there a few times and all he did was tell me to keep my eye dilated and use the numb drops. Dr. Ari Weitzner Bausch+Lomb recently announced that it will extend its See Better and Save patient rebate program for patients who have the Crystalens accommodating intraocular lens (IOL) implanted before March 31, 2011. When I drive at night the halos are worse then when I had cataracts! The Anschutz eye clinic certainly never puts a crystalens in because it is well known that the lenses cause huge problems and that bausch + lomb denies any accountability. No egoo maniac doctor will adnit any wrong doingso that ship has sailed!! Suffering and just want justice together we can make a difference. He sent me to Dr. Davidson and he said the university never puts those in because of the Z factor (which I guess is the tilting of the lens). I had Crystalens placed in my right eye in August. If they had not been accomodating and did not care that I couldn't complete the test, I may have not gotten the license. When the doctor came into the exam room he asked "Why are you here?" 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