Multiple Employees at Gotham Merchant's Bank: Killed in various ways. However, Batman, still wielded Talia's sword, was able to cut through Clayface's forces, and threw Freeze Blasts into his body, which froze him once again. Bane returned the favor with a bazooka. This was best demonstrated when he was forced to experience the concentrated effects of the Fear Toxin late into Scarecrow's reign of terror, where he saw a portrait depicting Batman carrying a deceased Joker as well as his own corpse being placed in the crematorium, and not only did not feel even slightly afraid of what he was seeing, he even managed to reflect nostalgically on the event and even went as far to crack a joke about the scene as being "crispy", respectively. But nothing happened, crime actually went down.Gordon, explaining that Joker was the catalyst for the crime in Gotham. Joker picked up the head to discoverit wasn't Batman. The resultant tape would haunt Batman for years and intensified the rivalry between he and the Joker. but first: priorities. At some point while incarcerated in Arkham Asylum, Joker was visited in his cell in the dead of night by Arkham Asylum Warden, Quincy Sharp, who bore a knife. Joker's very presence was corruptive, he brought out the worst in people, turning good men into killers (excluding The Bat of course). To renew his game with Batman, Joker made an anonymous phone call to the Gotham Tonight Show to inform the staff there that Batman was in Arkham City in order to lure news reporter, Vicki Vale, to Arkham City. Joker was one of the few villains to appear in all of the Arkham games just like Harley Quinn, the Riddler, and Killer Croc. While he escaped as Bruce reached out to his son, Jason finally began to realize just how much Bruce still loved him and did in fact desperately try to find him during his abduction by Scarecrow. The Joker was unimpressed with the offer, firing several bullets into the vigilante's armor before he tossed him the bank manager. Hope you got the joke. Joker had seen the manpower potential of Young's work instantly and had spent months making sure that she could provide him with the means to create an army of monsters. The Battle For Batman's Mind. After Batman stopped Protocol 10, all of TYGER's forces were neutralized, Wonder Tower was destroyed, and Hugo Strange and Ra's al Ghul, the secret benefactor behind Strange's plans and operations, were killed. Young tried everything from returning the donations to actually putting a block on her account. Can't live with them, can't kick them out of a moving car without them getting steamed!" Harley Quinn herself joined the alliance with her own plans to avenge Joker's death and ensure that the villain's legacy lived on throughout Gotham City and the world beyond. The joke was on him though, as Barbara refused to let that tragedy define her and became Oracle, an invaluable hacking and information source for Batman's detective work. Afterwards, Commissioner Gordon, believing that a dead Joker was just as dangerous than a live one, decided to take his corpse away and hid it from the rest of Gotham, and let only Batman in on its location. At that point Joker came to realize that Batman was created just like he was: from one bad day. Soon you will face the first of a series of consciousness disorders. Arkham Knight first showed Joker during his cremation, and it could be seen that his face had returned to normal after his death, with mild boils and rashes on his face. While the vigilante investigated Sionis's steel mill, freed the real Black Mask and confronted Copperhead, the Joker headed for the Gotham Royal to call a meeting with the remaining assassins. A world where the only person you have to answer to is yours truly.Joker's intercom message. During the escort, the Joker made shrewd remarks to many of the Arkham Staff including Warden Quincy Sharp, Officer Aaron Cash, and Dr. Penelope Young before he was taken down the elevator. It should be noted that there were very small traces of human toned pigmentation on Joker's face, which possibly indicated (along with the newspaper articles of Red Hood in the Batcave) that Red Hood's encounter with Batman and his transformation into the Joker had only recently happened, and that slowly, the rest of his skin started to turn white. Batman revealed to Joker that the villain was afraid of being ashes and being forgotten and that he would indeed be forgotten by everyone. Finally, as Joker approached one of the statues, Batman ambushed him as he broke out of the statue and punched him hard, which sent him flying into a hard wall. Joker's sense of humor, whilst chaotic and sadistic, was also prone to bouts of dry cynicism, sarcasm and deadpan, as it was largely hinted that his background was that of a failing comedian. Earn rewards. The Joker kept Sionis alive to access the bio-metric locks of the Gotham Merchant's Bank and take the fall, if Joker didn't feel like killing him first. Joker sees life's big joke. He blames Batman for abandoning him . With Joker's presence gone, the remaining members of Batman's rogues' gallery had a much easier time working together without the Clown Prince of Crime upsetting the balance and were silently working together for the past year to unleash an elaborate plot to destroy Batman and conquer the city that he vowed to protect. Once you take control of Batman, focus on attacking Joker who will be basically helpless. A little shake and oops!Joker, mixing the Titan. Freeze were fighting by cutting the wall open that was located behind the safe and pilfered the cure. Soon after, Bane was captured and quietly brought to Arkham Asylum so that Young could study him and the effects of Venom on the human body to design a more powerful variant of the formula. It can be used at cosplay conventions and Halloween parties. Like Red X is to Dick Grayson in Teen Titans. Batman, however, knew that Talia was the one in danger and, true to his prediction, Joker easily outsmarted and overpowered her at the Monarch Theatre, and held her hostage to ensure that Batman arrived at the Theatre for their final performance. As a story-driven game, Arkham Knight puts a lot of effort into getting the player involved and emotionally invested in the plot. Sometime after, Joker and Harley Quinn kidnapped Commissioner Gordon. The Azrael sidequest in Arkham Knight is a reference to the Knightfall comics storyline where another version of that character became a more vicious version of Batman. The dying hero then entered Clayface's body, retrieved the cure, cut him open, and incapacitated the monster once and for all. A world of mischief and fun. However, after realizing that it was never simple with the Joker, Batman began to rethink all the strange occurrences throughout the night: a seemingly dead Joker dummy in a wheelchair, the two versions of the Joker card left in place of the cure, and a healthy Joker looking into a mirror that reflected a sickly Joker. Displeased with the thug's attitude Joker dispensed with the Black Mask disguise altogether, surprising the assassins. At times I actually wonder if he is actually insane at all. You must get him close to the cell from which Batman walked out previously and activate the special environmental takedown (the picture above). My most challenging patient at Arkham. Coincidentally they would also play into Clayfaces final performance as well. Similarly, Joker also had a weakness that Batman ultimately exploited to take him down once and for all (in the film, Joker's irritation that he never got Batman to laugh, which the new Batman, Terry McGinnis, exploited by mocking Joker; in Arkham Knight, his fear of being forgotten, which Batman exploited by exposing himself and Joker to a full dose of fear gas and then locking him away into a central part of his consciousness doomed to be forgotten). So one day at lunch, the Joker took a spoon and dug out another inmate's eyes, knowing this would get him solitary confinement. Skip the jokes? Memorize all nine of them. Freeze, Poison Ivy and Two-Face, to Penguin, Scarecrow and oh so many more, the ill-famed inmates of Arkham, the criminally capricious citizens of Gotham both frighten and fascinate comic fans of all ages with their complexity, depth and completely insanely bazonkers gimmicks. In the first Catwoman Mission, a portrait could be found with the inscription: "Cain & Abel - The Duality of Man". Examples of such are when Bane rocketed an RPG toward the Gotham Royal Hotel, instead of panicking he casually accepted his fate without a hesitation and when he shot himself with a harmful amount of Titan. Keeping in contact with his longtime enemy through phone calls, Joker eventually sent Batman to rescue Mr. Though Batman managed to escape the trap the bank manager died, one of the first victims of Joker Toxin. Batman attempted to track down Gordon by detecting the alcohol that Boles left in the air. Two Arkham Asylum guards: Snapping his neck, and then shooting the other before changing into his regular outfit. Here's the thing. This, he declared, was going to be "FUN.". Top Voted Answer. Ironically, that was nothing more than a ruse by Batman, who finally turned the tables on his hated nemesis and regained control of his mind. ", imitated a playful laugh, and pointed at the security door with a "Ta-da! Use the weapon to destroy part of the weakened wall and move on. system the entire time, mocking the vigilante and claiming he'd done more to eliminate crime in two days than Batman had in two years. With everything in place, Joker had his men conquer what was left of Arkham City and patrolled the streets as he took control of the prison's monitor and communication systems to challenge Batman to a final showdown at the Monarch Theatre. As a bonus, this broke the gate keeping him out of the Warden's office. It will imprison the Joker in the cell. Using a series of tunnels that connected to a panic hatch in the Warden's Office, Joker captured Warden Joseph. He took over the body of Tim Drake, and used his skills as an engineer to create a satellite weapon, before he was defeated by the new Batman, Terry McGinnis. My name's Harleen. It's an essential part of his character, and one that's easy to respect in comics,. Talia, don't! The Joker's exact origin is a mystery, barring that Batman was somehow involved. The throne of mannequins, dolls and plastic toys Joker sits on just before the finale is likely a homage to the graphic novel Batman: The Killing Joke where Joker tormented Gordon while sitting on a throne similar to the one used in Batman: Arkham Asylum. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. Bruce Wayne is a violent, obsessive loner who plays the dual roles of Batman (who gives him the power to instill fear in criminals and take revenge) and "Billionaire Playboy" Bruce Wayne (leading the carefree life he cannot truly enjoy, and actually disdains). Sending Harley on a desperate mission to retrieve them, she passed on the message to the circus owner that her puddin' would pay big for the twins. This didn't sit well withthe Jokerwho openedfire on Bane's escape chopper with a machine gun. His capacity for wanton destruction makes him a threat to the entire city. The Joker's next order of business was to search the Arkham Mansion for Dr. Young's notes; just in case the good doctor destroyed her notes, the Joker planned on finding her to torture the formula out of Young. After overdosing himself on Titan, Joker's appearance drastically changed; like most of the thugs that he injected Titan into, he grew in size and muscle. The Batman 's version of Joker is in Arkham, which isn't the kind of place a person just ends up - they need to have been put there for a reason, by someone. Someone had tipped off a killjoy called Gordon about the Royal Hotel and the police were closing in for real. Joker will warn you if you try to blow the weapon caches while being too close to them !! Knock me off! He openly did not think much of humanity, believing every man, woman and child were as equally insane and sadistic as he was in the inside and that to deny this was purely madness. She was eager to gain insight into the mind of the self style Clown Prince of Crime in order to publish a book. To the Joker's annoyance, Batman defeated his goons and rescued the captive doctors. RELATED: We Played 'Batman: Arkham Knight' Again In 2022! The next several days were spent holding the former Black Mask captive and torturing him to reveal every detail about himself. Batman was forced to brave the toxin to repair the Batmobile, with Joker making him see the victims attacking each other as copies of him. With all of the enemies on Joker's 'party list' defeated Joker had his men set off fireworks to direct Batman, the "guest of honor", to the "party" at the Visitor Center . Batman refused, and used the only antidote injection on himself, which Titan-Joker found hysterical. Still disguised as Black Mask, he ordered Branden and SWAT to keep the police and the media away from the scene. After feeling the effects of the TITAN poisoning from Arkham Asylum, he frantically searched for a cure so he would not die, even having Harley Quinn kidnap doctors across Gotham then brutally tortured and killed anyone who could not cure his disease. Troy Baker did great playing The Joker in Origins and in Assault in Arkham, as well, but Mark is easily the best to voice the character. The Joker came to strapped to a gurney and being wheeled back to his cell. Ding! A new Batman. With that, Joker knew that he was pushing Batman toward his ultimate limit. It was not remotely beyond the Joker's ability to forge the image simply for the purposes of tormenting Jason. Strange would still remain in contact with Joker, who was initially unaware of this betrayal, and continued to supply him with weapons as part of his plans to initiateProtocol 10, a military operation that Strange believed would make him famous and serve as a monument to Batman's failure and defeat. Unlike other henchmen infected with the Titan serum, Joker keeps his mental state and can speak, as opposed to simply roaring. Note: Joker's involvement in Catwoman's escape attempt and the following depended on which boss Batman defeated last. Batman found a bomb planted by Joker at the Visitor Center and upon its explosion discovered the Joker's lair: a throne room atop various plastic toys from which he had been broadcasting to the island. Joker also ordered Harley to steal some of Freeze's offensive equipment in order to increase his weaponry after successfully obtaining the cure. Whether the goon heard begging over the speakers actually was the architect is unclear, but the Joker ignored his pleas and shot him. Some form of disease is spreading over the Joker, ravaging his face and body. Joker brushed off the vigilante's bravado by revealing Warden Joseph was in the conference room, tied up with explosives. Andlaughed. However, he does not seem fettered by his psychopathic qualities or simply unaware of them but took no attempt to better himself. That dynamite should be bringing down the roof of a kindergarden. Joker had Croc drag Loeb off while he and his crew released Calendar Man from the execution chamber, though Joker was tempted to kill Calendar Man as the situation was almost too perfect to pass up. Arkham City showed that the amount of Titan that Joker used was killing him, and when Batman first encountered Joker in Arkham City at the Steel Mill, it's shown that his face had started to develop boils and rashes as well as him looking very sick, with Joker's tailcoat being much darker in color. She pulled the Joker out of the water to safety, somehow avoiding Batman's searchlight. And I don't even know their name. During his time there, after a sarcastic suggestion by Batman, Joker began to write a book that contained the names of all the people that he had ever killed. However, this was all a part of Joker's plans as he faked his own death in order to divert Batman's attention, which allowed the hero to become vulnerable to a surprise attack. At the very beginning of the game, Batman is awoken in an already exploding ACE Chemicals by the Joker illusion. showing that the mannequin is actually Joker. Nothing but mere pawns to the Joker, those individuals performed violent mass murders and acts of extreme sadism and megalomania until Batman was able to quarantine them underground in an abandoned movie studio that he had converted into a safety facility. He'd be very upset. Not long after his death, Joker's corpse was immediately taken to the hospital for an autopsy. Joker eventually realized that, even with all the horror, misery, and death that he had inflicted on others over the years, no one would mourn or miss him, and his legacy would soon be forgotten as Gotham's citizens moved on with their lives. With Harley on her way to deliver the cure, Arkham City under his complete control, his increased weaponry, and Protocol 10 just under an hour away from commencement, Joker began making his plans to blow open the walls of Arkham City and form escape routes to lay a bloody siege on Gotham City and completely destroy it and wipe out all its citizens. Disguised in one of their uniforms the Joker easily bypassed the authorities and escaped into Gotham to plan his next performance. That gun should be sticking someone up. "Black Mask" surveyed the damage and informed Deathstroke he'd had his chance but the night was still young. Joker laughed that another dose was all it would take to make him strong enough to gain control. The Joker casually turned the tables on the professor, revealing he'd been aware of Strange watching him in his cell at the Asylum and had conducted his own investigation into Strange's own illicit secrets, more likely some of his highly unethical experiments. Even though it would doom them both the Joker attempted to punch the vigilante. STEP 3: Press F12 a couple times after you load into the world then exit back to the main menu. Skip to main content. does rachel die in the dark knight. Not long after his death, Joker 's ability to forge the image simply for the crime in order increase... 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