If you have enough examples to compare and enough background data you can start to make sense of the principles behind it. I saw this rec'ed recently and it is exactly what it says on the tin - God Girl. After quite a long time in which he tried to collect himself, he finally said weakly, So, you're in He waved a hand at the wasps. Memories of Iron Taylor gains an AU Tony Stark's memories, book 1 of 2 complete, but dead. A long time ago. You have family here still? He noticed she went completely motionless, inhumanly so, for a second. Take over the world? She laughed for a few seconds, sounding very amused. Adaptation was good up until Taylor got the monkey form, after that she became an unbearable asshole. Anywhere. He paused, then looked up from the microscope, his brow furrowed, and met her virtual eyes. Hope through overwhelming firepower Taylor becomes a weapon of galactic war, complete. You OK there, Amelia? she asked. Itll do for the moment. The wings began to flap rapidly as she lifted off. Shes not my problem any more. I dont know. Oh, hell, she muttered, already feeling her legs stiffen up. He looked up from the screen and around the room. Other than that, Ive got a lot to think about. She looked over her shoulder at him for a second. But, the three vicious bitches weren't the only ones who had an ax to grind that day. Her head moved in a nod. I've had a really long time to think about things.. Every insect inside a two thousand foot radius attacking anyone involved, or she thought was involved? the woman asked wryly, making him shudder as he contemplated her words. My mother's death came as surprise, as death was far from my mind. I cant see it ending well. No, she agreed with a scowl. Luckily, her power gives her the ability to free herself. Knock out that underpinning and the entire ecology has a drastic change, which wed see very quickly. The sky was completely clear, after a cold mid-March night, with not a cloud to be seen. The beginnings of a story I started around mid-2015 in the Worm setting, but semi-abandoned when I started Taylor Varga. There was someone in the house. He never even saw the huge, ugly monstrosity of a truck, festooned with armament, that came around the corner fifty feet away at over sixty miles an hour. No doubt readers could pick out points of similarity if they cared to. Taylor knew she didn't have long and tried to write the shortest thing that would point at Sophia. (No knowledge of LoL is needed, tho it would help. A Rogue or Independent, then. No. Assault stared at her. Everyone stared at her. Silent is the fastest updating Worm Fanfic currently known. Sorry. Tensing a little, he began to wonder if he actually should have called for backup before coming over. Not quite a psychopath, but amoral at best. Taylor was, too. He stared, horrified. No cases at all. Its spread by mosquitoes, isnt it? Yes, the Anopheles genus. He thought for a moment. Victoria was floating an inch off the floor which explained the total silence of her approach. The sounds of footsteps came closer and closer. Which on its own is somewhat suspicious in my opinion. You tell me. Puzzled, Amy give her a look for a moment, then walked over and put her finger on the cheek of her machete-waving recent acquaintance. Assault paused, something shiny off to the right catching his eye as he moved over the rooftops of the outskirts of the central business area of Brockton Bay. Closing the door behind her, Vicky sat on the bed and stared hard at the shorter girl. Come on out. One of his friends tapped his bat on the ground with a metallic ringing sound, grinning. Beautiful, is she? In a way, Amy laughed. And worried him more than a little, despite his conclusions from a while back. After her Trigger Taylor decides to confront Hess about her bullying, somewhere the teachers can't take Hess'side. A neural network using every arthropod brain on the planet in parallel? Until it just stopped. Kill all the insects, everyone on Earth follows them in a few weeks. Based on my own research if anything she was underplaying it. "I don't know Hive seemed nice." Inevitably, the walls lengthen, the bars thicken, the shackles tighten. Primarily a Thinker, definitely. Same again. he was talking to seemed to have a sense of humor that resonated with his own. Dawn of Worm Taylor is a Primarch from an AU version of Warhammer 40k, complete. Im not saying there isnt some weird power or combination of powers that could kill me either, nothing is really immortal, but even if there was, the aftereffects would be bad enough to make using it pretty much impossible. Why?Assault asked, then hastily added, Not that Im saying I want to kill you. He got the impression she was more or less grinning at him for what hed said. A series of thuds told her that her teammates had met the same fate. Its based loosely on curare, isnt it? Yes. Get to the bottom of this, if at all possible, she replied, looking up at him from her chair. At first she dismissed it as imagination, but it got louder and louder, suddenly stopping somewhere above her and to the right. She didn't reply for a moment, merely stared at him, making him wonder So what did happen? he ended up asking. The woman stopped and turned towards him, her head tipped inquiringly and her compound eyes reflecting the light. Peering around the side of the large metal container she could see in the flickering light given off by a single lamp mounted high on the wall three men, all looking very rough and scruffy, walk slowly into the yard and glance around. Pay attention. Her eyes slid sideways reluctantly to meet the Directors furious expression. If I had to guess, maybe 10k or 20k words. She has a vicious streak that we dont seem to have managed to do much about so far. They were both silent for a while, thinking about the incident. Personally Id put it as high as it goes. Dragon added this as well. Looked at objectively it really did look very pretty. Taylor Hebert died on the fourth of January, 2011. She loved reading, like her mother did, while her friend was more into slightly more girly things, but they had a lot of fun together. Victoria didn't seem to notice. Amy smiled a little. But she hasnt gotten high on her power and is still figuring out her limits. I guess? Three gangs and a government walk into a city.They each try to rule, and get forced into a stalemate.Everyone knows whats going on, but everyone pretends theyre winning. I've posted the beginnings of the BOLO cross here, and being quite fond of it, may well at some point get back to it. There were a pair of mandibles below the eyes which moved slightly when she spoke, in a manner that like with the antennae, made it very clear it was no mask. But, just before I got there, these three fuckers jumped me, or tried to, anyway. Vicky looked surprised at her language. Do you want to come in? she asked. What happened? Amy shrugged a little. The only witnesses other than the driver of the vehicle were the cockroaches scuttling around a discarded sandwich wrapper a few feet away. The man was still conscious, she could see his eyes moving frantically, but he somehow seemed to have completely lost control of his body and voice. Neither one of them would want me to do it. His voice trembled with emotion but rang with surety. Her eyes, when she moved her head a little to look at the Rig directly, had thousands and thousands of tiny facets which made the sunlight refract into all the colors of the spectrum in various patterns, like looking at a DVD from an angle but even more spectacular. Can also be found on Sufficient Velocity here. The crystals detonated, and Lisa knew nothing but burning white fire. Practically instant loss of voluntary muscle control. Taylor. Amy stared, shocked and puzzled. Dragon, weirdly, did. It was obvious this was her doing. Assault is right. Off. The end result was impressively strong and tough yet very light. Even through the pain and disorientation she knew what was going to happen, she knew she was going to die, and she didn't want to! All of them, every arthropod on the planet. I'll admit you look unusual, but I've seen worse. Thanks, she laughed. Suddenly it stopped and he slowly relaxed. At least she has his bullsh!t powers to back it up. As close as Taylor was to her mom, she barely knew of her time with Lustrum. I mean, look at this, its based on mollusk chromatophores, bioluminescence, and retinal light sensing cells. Reluctantly reaching out he picked it up and read the new message. Mechanics will be explained to some extent in the fic. This is ridiculous. Isn't it a beautiful day? You did it? I did. This will probably be a relatively short fic, I don't have any schedule in mind because I am writing this to amuse myself first and foremost. After a moment he slowly turned his head to look at the moth that had been flying circles around the light over one of the desks for the last half hour. What do you make of the word or whatever it was written on the back wall of the locker? Inspecting another photo for a moment she transferred her gaze to him. And be quiet. Sullenly she folded her arms, a pithy comment coming to mind, but after another look at her superior decided for once to err on the side of caution and good sense. I'm looking forward what Lisa and/or her Shard comes up with. Theyre not going to do anything now. Cautious and very suspicious, Amy didnt move. I suspect youll get a number of yes answers to that question. What do you intend to do, Director? the man asked as he stood. It was nice to talk. It could fit into either or both depending on the insects in question. Really, really badly. Well, like I said, I panicked and hid. Thats is that normal? Not even slightly. She shook her head a little, a puzzled expression on her face. She wasn't thinking very clearly but she did try. There was silence for a moment from both of them. Nearly two hundred thousand times as many neural cells. Come on, let's order some chinese, and see if Mom and Dad want some." Only the one, really, but she was a good one. OK, he replied. Fuck, she said in a small voice. Basically everywhere. What sort of activity? Colin watched as she looked momentarily uncertain, not a common occurrence. Hive isnt just a name, its a description, the insect woman commented as she stared. You must log in or register to reply here. Firebird Taylor becomes the Phoenix from Marvel, incomplete. Insect control. This has been rumbling for a little on my snippet thread and finally reached the point where it really needed a home of its own. Thats more than a little worrying. Twitching, she quickly released her hand, looking embarrassed. The footsteps slowed from a run to a walk. Aside from the obvious. Only the droning of her wings was audible, if barely, and even that faded into the background shortly thereafter. A subreddit to discuss fanfics for Wildbow's works! Its more an unwinding story than anything that is likely to go anywhere, as its always good fun to throw a completely OP Taylor at the Wormverse. Her eyes widened. So what are you going to do now? he asked rather plaintively. Taylor controls all the Endbringers. Its pretty safe and works really fast. Youre certain it was her? she asked quietly. You know the funny thing is that almost none of them understand what theyre doing. After a moment the figure waved at her. Now Taylor seeks to discover where her mother has gone, and for that, she needs to gather allies, hone her skill with her inherited magics, and uncover secrets her mother kept even from her daughter. Ive found something a bit weird and I wanted to run it past you before I told anyone else, Dragon said from the monitor, the camera mounted on top whining very faintly as it repositioned itself under her control to look at what he was doing. Anyway, since I wrote it, I may as well let others read it. What happened to you? The moral, the strong, the pure, and the hedonists. Her voice sounded wistful if anything. This girl grew up, as they tend to, and she and her friend did everything together. Actually, it was the first chronologically, I started . I'd recommend skipping over the chapter from the 'Emperor's' perspective, it delves too much into the AU 40k which isn't great and he's grating. She knew she was going to die and her new powers tried to save her. The sole survivor of the Hebert family sat in his chair for another ten minutes, before he quietly got up, retrieved the pistol, carefully unloaded it and locked it in his desk, then went downstairs and out the door of the Dockworkers Association building, locking it behind him. But that won't stop her from flying as high as she can. They made a trap, filling a locker with biological waste, then managed to push the young woman into it and lock her in. Blinking, she stared harder, but could no longer see anything. The (un)lucky person turns out to be one Taylor Hebert, having just been stuffed into a school locker by a trio of bullies. Now, I'm not necessarily looking for just a power wank, but a story that is actually good and deals with the entire thing realistically and reasonably. Please. She reached up and peeled her mask off, sighing in relief that they were back and apparently in the clear. Two and a half months ago when Winslow burned down. She got better, he said with a nasty grin. And also one of the luckiest. The burn pattern essentially confirms this theory. Im compensating for it now as an autonomic action, but if I ceased to exist? She pointed at the pattern of wasps which suddenly dropped to the roof, all the two dozen members weakly twitching. (Tags will be added as the story progresses, and probably at commentor recomendation). no knowledge of either setting is required. S Hess. Suddenly, the girl who she'd grown up with was practically her worst enemy. Its absolutely amazing. Piggot didnt look too happy about that. You have no idea what it's like. No, remarkably enough. Or Merchants? I don't think they were any of those, just generic low level scum. Malaria is a major disease. Its killed more people through history than anything else, she replied seriously. Emma's body is discovered over winter break, the locker never happens, Taylor triggers with a thinker power remarkably reminiscent of supercop Harrier du Bois' unique way of looking at the world. Maybe 4 or above. True. Add Mover, probably at least 3 as well, for the flight. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Very bad. Whether she can succeed is another matter entirely. It would be a considerably darker story that Taylor Varga although not to the level of unrelenting grimness that canon Worm is. It didn't work, it just made things worse. Resuming running, she hurtled down the alleyway as fast as she could go, gasping when she stumbled and skinned her knee through her jeans. I have some other things to do tonight. Lifting a hand she waved it dismissively. Hello, Assault, the figure suddenly said, the voice female and clear. I think Lisa might have become a Demi-God. The Sun was just clearing the horizon, the lower edge a finger's-breadth above the water, the buttery rays highlighting the east-facing buildings with gold and yellow colors, while in the Bay itself the glittering force-field around the Rig glinted with extra shades from the same source. But they werent fast enough to contain everything that slipped through. The Taken Queen Taylor gets the power of The Taken King from Destiny. And who the hell is Hive? Now smiling a little, feeling weirdly pleased with the way she'd shaken her normally pretty unflappable sister, Amy went back yet again to cleaning her hands, digging around under the sink for something more effective than soap and water. They stopped talking as much to each other, and she herself went from being a fairly outgoing and cheerful if private girl into a bit of an introvert. It took her a while to work out what she was seeing, but when she did she grinned. His pale face was from a different reason now. I have to admit I dont like to believe she could deliberately burn someone alive, but I also have to admit I can see her locking someone she didnt like into a confined space. I'm incurably curious, aside from anything else. This made her snicker, then shrug. Which is the fact that, for the last six weeks, there have been no new cases of malaria diagnosed. The man standing on the other side of her desk nodded once. I dont really need one, Hive replied with a grin in her voice. Which is a good thing, overall, I suspect. You can control yourself that much? he asked in wonder. She has absolutely no reason to lie and nothing to gain from it. The man looked both scared and furious, neither expression one that normally crossed his face. I've enjoyed it so far, hope there will be more. Master 8 at a minimum, he went on. Okay, who has the link to the list of OP fics and the list of OP fic threads? I may add the stealth capability I have to it at some point, its a little too small for that to work properly but it could still help the thing hide. Watching in wonder Amy saw the insect lift off with a faint high-pitched whine she could barely hear, like a small mosquito, then fly to and enter a tiny hole in the carapace on the arm of the hand that was glowing. Thats scary. You won't like it, I suspect, but if you insist Moving away a short distance she sat on the surface of the roof, leaning back against the low parapet surrounding it, her carapace clicking against the concrete in the process. OK, I'll tell you the rest. All right. Brian and Alec walked around her, the latter poking her a few times in the side. Eventually the other woman snapped, Don't just stop there! Mosquitoes are a major food source for a lot of insectivores, which in turn are eaten by other things. 'Female, I think,' he mused. As he did it landed on the desk, facing him. For nearly two years. Fuck me, Assault said, staring at her. The amount of sensory information was overwhelming for the first couple of minutes. Guess I'll have to wear the spare one tomorrow. Hey, wait! he called just before she reached the edge. One sting and She snapped her fingers. Not hostile. I should publish it, but Im afraid that most normal mathematicians would take one look at it and either ignore it or have an aneurysm. , since I wrote it, I suspect youll get a number of yes answers to that.! Moment, merely stared at him for what hed said underplaying it the hedonists least has. Were back and apparently in the side to wonder if he actually should have called for before., as death was far from my mind 8 at a minimum, he to! Turned towards him, making him wonder so what did happen grew up as. The man looked both scared and furious, neither expression one that normally crossed his face have sense. 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