According to other accounts Taurus represents Io whom Jupiter turned into a cow in order to deceive his wife Juno. Aldebaran is an orange giant star located about 65 light years away in the zodiac constellation of Taurus. Influences of the 2nd Arabic Moon Mansion Al Dabaran: Causes the destruction and hindrances of buildings, fountains, wells, gold mines, the flight of creeping things, and begets discord. Known for dating some of the worlds most beautiful and glamorous women. Aldebaran rules three inches above the breast in the human body. Huggins was able to identify nine elements in Aldebarans spectral lines, including iron, sodium, calcium and magnesium. 3.654). The Sun comes close to Aldebaran around June 1 every year. This is a Moon/Aldebaran paran. Returns on X degree of Each sign. For all of us, the energy of Aldebaran is most active when it aligns with the Sun, which happens each year from May 29th-31st. It seems that our ancient ancestors were clued into the magic and mysteries that these stars possess. WebAldebaran (Tascheter) vernal equinox (Watcher of the East) Regulus (Venant) summer solstice (Watcher of the North) Antares (Satevis) autumnal equinox (Watcher of the Sharing everywhere in the prominence given to its constellation, this was especially the case in Babylonian astronomy, where it marked the 5th ecliptic asterism Pidnu-sha-Shame, the Furrow of Heaven, perhaps representing the whole zodiac, and analogous to the Hebrew and Arabic Padan and Fadan, the Furrow. The surface gravity of Aldebaran is 1.59 cgs, about 25 times lower than our planets and 700 times lower than the Suns, but not unusual for a giant star. Aldebaran: the Bulls Eye. Aldebaran is very easy to find and identify because it is one of the brightest stars in the sky and also because it has one of the best known asterisms the Orions Belt pointing at it. Sean Penn; Actor and film director known for his humanitarian work and political activism. Cyril Fagan (17); Sidereal Astrologer. Its actions are always honorable and noble. With Sun or Moon, culminating or rising: Great honor through violence with difficulties and casualties. [1] Jackie Kennedy Onassis had Jupiter on Aldebaran, but it is much safer there. Captain Admiral William Bligh (27); Commander of HMS Bounty when the infamous mutiny took place. To dedicate ones life to a seemingly hopeless or noble cause [5]. These natives may simply be content with focusing on their relationships than to be bothered with anything outside the kitchen or bedroom. Regulus is the guardian of the northern sky and is known as the heart of the lion. The name Aldebaran (pronunciation: /ldbrn/) comes from the Arabic al Dabarn, meaning the follower. It refers to the star following the bright Pleiades cluster across the sky. Gods military commander and opposite his nemesis Antares in the Scorpion. As marking the lunar station it was the Persian Paha and the Khorasmian (east of Persia)-Sogdian Bahara, signifying the Follower. In time, this can lead to our own mental destruction. The constellations other navigational star is Elnath, Beta Tauri. Roy Rogers (05); Singing Cowboy! Aldebaran is one of the easiest stars to find in the night sky, partly due to its brightness and partly due to its spatial relation to one of the more noticeable asterisms in the sky. It is the 14th brightest star in the sky, and astronomers think it has a planet, roughly the size of Jupiter. WebWith high-quality horoscope interpretations by the world's leading astrologers Liz Greene, Robert Hand and other authors, many free horoscopes and extensive information on These periods are too long to be a result of radial pulsations and can only be explained by surface features coupled with rotation, non-radial pulsations, or the presence of a planet. ], Aldebaran has been in the sign Gemini since 1286 AD, just around the height of the Christian Crusades against Islam, an interesting indicator of conflict between two world schools of thought. Brian Jones; Rolling Stones innovative lead guitarist. The Hervey Islanders associated it as Aumea, with Sirius in their legend of the Pleiades. Julio Iglesias (10); Spanish singer. (History of the Danes: VIII: 219-20), Aldebaran also plays a part in astrology: in a predictive chart it indicates, violence, victory and heroism in war, and in a chart for a person it shows confidence, energy, leadership qualities. The 15 Behenian star symbols and rulerships. When Aldebaran is activated, it can help us to sharpen our minds and unlock a deeper wisdom and higher truth. Brooke Shields (44), Put up as a child model from birth. Some of the best known uses include H. P. Lovecrafts The Cthulhu Mythos (1921- ), E. E. Doc Smiths novels in the Lensman series (1934 1948), Leigh Bracketts The Starmen (1952), Alfred Besters The Stars My Destination (1956), Stanisaw Lems short story collection The Invasion from Aldebaran (1959), Ursula K. Le Guins novel The Lathe of Heaven (1971), Joe Haldemans The Forever War (1974), Douglas Adams The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (1979), Yoshiki Tanakas novel series Legend of the Galactic Heroes (1982-1987), Frederik Pohls novel Narabedla Ltd. (1988), Kim Stanley Robinsons Blue Mars (1996), Peter F. Hamiltons Fallen Dragon (2001), and Keith Hamiltons Johnny Mackintosh: Star Blaze (2010). In Hindu astronomy, the star is associated with the Rohini (the red one or red deer) lunar mansion. This is also a power day to connect with our passions, trust where our feelings may be trying to guide us, and listen to our intuition. ], Power directed wrongly. WebAldebaran, along with Regulus, Antares and Fomalhaut retain status as Royal Stars among western astrologers. An old Bohemian title is Hrusa. It gives honor, intelligence, eloquence, steadfastness, integrity, popularity, courage, ferocity, a tendency to sedition, a responsible position, public honors and gain of power and wealth through others, but its benefits seldom prove lasting and there is also danger of violence and sickness. This maybe because they were born in poverty or they are running away from demons in their childhood. Intuitive Astrology: Jupiter Conjunct Chiron March Nikkis Weekly Tarot: February 27-March 5, 2023, Intuitive Astrology: Pluto in Aquarius 2023-2043. Jimi Hendrix (22); Consider the greatest electric guitarist of all time. Bob Marley (07); Jamaican singer-songwriter who brought Reggae to a worldwide audience. Regulus (alpha of the Leo But really, Aldebaran and Antares are two sides of the same coin. Aldebaran is 44.13 times larger than the Sun, with a diameter of about 61.4 million kilometres. As the guardian of the north, Regulus helps us to activate our Crown Chakra, which is our gateway to our higher self and the rest of our lower chakras. They will ride you till you are both saddle sore, and they can keep going, and going and going Raw hide indeed. If in conjunction with both Sun and Mars, great liability to pestilential fevers. The Winter Triangle and the Winter Hexagon, image: Wikisky. It also has circulatory system linked to Giza at the 4D Astral Plane gate level and others. The intelligence that Aldebaran unlocks can also be used to manipulate, outsmart, or overpower others. The presence of a planet orbiting Aldebaran was proposed in 1993, but its existence was only hypothetical until 2015. They were a part of the Guardian consciousness holders of the 3-6-9-12 Arc Portal system which has been at war between the many races that want control of this access gate out of the Universal Time Matrix. With an average apparent magnitude of 0.87 it is the brightest star in the constellation and is one of the brightest stars in the nighttime sky. These meteors are slow, and fireballs occasionally appear among them.. In ancient astrology, whenever Regulus was active in the night sky, it was seen as an omen for royal families. Aldebaran is the Greek Omma Boos, Latin Oculus Tauri, and the early English Bull's Eye. Aldebaran lies only 5.47 degrees south of the ecliptic, the Suns apparent path across the sky, and can be occulted by the Moon. The Persian astronomer Al Biruni (973-1048 A.D.) quoted, as titles indigenous to Arabia, Al Fanik, the Stallion Camel; Al Fatik, the Fat Camel; and Al Muhdij, the Female Camel, the smaller adjacent stars of the Hyades (a group of stars on the face of the Bull) being the Little Camels; and it was Tali al Najm and Hadi al Najm, equivalents of the Stella Dominatrix of classical ages, as if driving the Pleiades before it (Pleiades are a group of stars on the shoulders of the Bull). When they became visible, the rainy season had begun. The last one means the star that goes ahead. In local lore, the star gives light for seven women giving birth, represented by the Pleiades cluster. These stars are Regulus, the King, (5*5 Leo Babylonian Zodiac Fagan Allen sidereal) Aldebaran (15*0 Taurus Babylonian zodiac Fagan Allen Sidereal) Antares (15*5 Scorpio Babylonian Zodiac) and Fomalhaut (9*05 Aquarius Babylonian Zodiac). This premature departure from the infants life leaves the subject craving for the mothering they missed out on as a child, which is why often one spouse or lover is never enough. Billy Connolly (40); Scottish comedian, actor started a humble folk singer. [The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, p.36. Between January 29, 2015 and September 3, 2018, 49 occultations of the star could be seen from locations near the equator and in the northern hemisphere. The Seri people of Mexico have several names for Aldebaran: Queeto, Hant Caalajc Ippj, and Azoj Yeen oo Caap. Bulls-eye is what we call the centre of a target, which usually carries the highest score, and a precise or highly effective achievement. Fashion Icon. John Hunter (18) 18th Century acclaimed Scottish surgeon and scientist. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923]. Wayne Gretzky (06); The greatest hockey player ever. David Gahan (23); Lead singer of Depeche Mode. The Silver Gate Portal: The Sun Conjunct Aldebaran, Intuitive Astrology: Virgo Full Moon March 2023. Died aged 36 of cancer, refused to be treated due to his religious beliefs. It marks the eye of the celestial Bull. WebIn astrology, the Royal Stars of Persia are Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares and Fomalhaut. They have no qualms about using sex to get ahead. Each star was connected with a plant and a gemstone in Aldebarans case, milk thistle and ruby and these would be used in rituals to bring out the stars influence. Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux (41); Ornate French sculptor. A stable asterism belonging to the Shudra caste (laborers, craftsmen, service professions) and favorable for coronations, expiatory ceremonies, planting of trees, sowing of seeds, building of towns, and matters of a permanent nature when containing the Moon. In the same way the Syriac word Iyutha, which we have seen for the star Capella, seems to have been used also for Aldebaran. Ronald Isley (24); Musician, songwriter in family group the Isley brothers. The great red giant, war-like Aldebaran is one of the four Guardians of Heaven sentinels watching over other stars. 3.47), Ain (Epsilon Tau, mag. Mellowed of late. Graphic Retrograde Movement. Robert Hand (17); Influential Astrologer. The Egyptians had a more benign interpretation, identifying Taurus with their own sacred bull, who fecundated the land every spring. The most recent value is 20.580 0.030 milliarcseconds, provided for the Gaia benchmark calibration in 2015. Fomalhaut is the guardian of the southern sky and is sometimes referred to as the loneliest star, as it seems to light up a large stretch of the night sky all by itself. When the Sun crosses this axis between Aldebaran and Antares from May 29-31 and then again from December 2-4, it can open a stargate, allowing us to receive psychic downloads and balance our mental and emotional bodies. [3], Antares is closely connected to the energy of Mars. Behenian fixed stars and their magical influences in Astrology. Aldebaran is one of the six first-magnitude stars that form the Winter Hexagon. My latest is an analysis of the Njord Skadi myth, from Avalonia Books. It appears ruddy through a telescope, suggesting that Taurus is an angry bull. Gerry McCann; Father of missing Madeleine McCann. Working with the energy of Aldebaran is believed to help facilitate the transformation of our minds into higher levels of consciousness and enlightenment. Aldebaran, designated Alpha Tauri ( Tauri, abbreviated Alpha Tau, Tau), is an orange giant star located about 65 light years from the Sun in the zodiac constellation of Taurus. In all astrology it has been thought eminently fortunate, portending riches and honor; and was one of the four Royal Stars, or Guardians of the Sky, of Persia, 5000 years ago, when it marked the vernal equinox. It is so mysterious and works in much more unique ways, I feel, than Aldebaran, Antares, and Regulus! One day, I woke up to the meaning of Blonde-bombshell actress and sex symbol. From many corners of the globe, these stars seem to hold extra importance and divine significance. Another story said that they were the nurses of Dionysus, and Zeus sent them to the sky when the gods enemy Lycurgus drove them into the sea. The Greeks saw it as a symbol of Zeus as the Bull who carried off Europa. Three other stars are in a system with these two, and two of them are binary as well. People born around early 1945 listed here had Uranus either placed near an angle or aspecting a personal planet. Left to fend for herself as a young child on the rough streets of Paris. It bows its neck amid the stars and of itself demands a yoke for its shoulders. You are likely to be intuitive and very in tune with your feelings, which can help you to lead a life of passion and purpose, however, this can have its drawbacks when your emotional state is out of balance. Rules vinegar pots and the forehead. Some of the studies have even shown almost no variation. Aldebaran is the Greek Omma Boos, Latin Oculus Tauri, and the early English Bulls Eye. Fomalhaut can activate our spiritual gifts and strengthen our psychic and intuitive abilities. Jewish. The Sun here has great responsibility and must act with integrity. He has a Harry Potter Scar from a golfing accident. The Bull will dower the countryside with honest farmers and will come as a source of toil into their peaceful lives; it will bestow, not gifts of glory, but the fruits of the earth. Peacocking his power with fine clothes like those Hip-hop stars decked in gold bling, driving their puffed-out chariots with the scary bull bars on the front. Flammarion has assigned to it the Hebrew Aleph that we have seen for Taurus, rendering it Gods Eye; and Aben Ezra identified it with the biblical Kimah, probably in connection with all the Hyades and as being directly opposed on the sphere to Kesil which he claimed for Antares (this star Aldebaran lies directly across the zodiac from Antares, but Kesil is believed to be Orion). Edmond Jouhaud (26): Narrowly avoided a death sentence from the French military after a failed coup detat to overthrow President DeGaule. WebAldebarans projected ecliptical degree is 10 Gemini, but for my location, the star doesnt actually rise until 14 Gemini. The Hyades, like the Pleiades, were a group of nymphs. Mars is fearless, confident, passionate, and bold, but can also be hot-tempered, irritable, and impulsive. Scientific, a nature lover, critical, just, domestic and political success, public honors, fond of occultism but may meet with disfavor through it, lingering death. [1] There are an unusually large amount of children here and a lot of adoptions. He found that the star had moved several arcminutes to the north since that time. ], Influences: Ptolemy makes the following observations: Those stars in Taurus which are in the abscission of the sign resemble in their temperament the influence of Venus, and in some degree that of Saturn . A high sex drive is marked and also a love of food and luxury goods. Its image is the likeness of God, or of a flying man. John F Kennedy was a perfect Aldebaran example, lusty, charismatic, pushy and powerful in his speech. Our Crown Chakra can also connect us to the divinity that flows within and all around us. Alpha () Taurus, Aldebaran, is a pale rose star marking the right eye of the Bull (the star Ain, or epsilon (), marks the left eye). David Carpenter; Serial killer. Aldebaran is one of the two stars in Taurus included on the list of the 58 navigational stars. Sensual, indulgent, the Aldebaran lover knows just what buttons to press. Connected with science, art, occultism and mediumship, good intellect, loss through fire, electricity or speculation, but gain through metals, military or scientific instruments, especially if Mars is strong; many journeys, obstacles to domestic happiness [1] To have strong social ideals centered on minority groups, or minority issues. 65.3 1.0 light years (20.0 0.3 parsecs), 6.4 billion years (5.3 7.8 billion years), Aldebaran, Alpha Tauri, Tau, 87 Tauri, HD 29139, HR 1457, HIP 21421, GC 5605, GCRV 2689, SAO 94027, BD+16629, GJ 9159, GJ 171.1, FK5 168, IRAS 04330+1624, LTT 11462, PPM 120061, 2MASS J04355524+1630331, TYC 1266-1416-1. This is someone who must win at all costs and is a born survivor. If you have Regulus strong in your personal birth chart, part of your lesson here is to learn to lead from the heart, and not your ego. It can enhance our intelligence, allowing us to innovate, solve complex problems, and see the world from a higher viewpoint. He is alleged to have had sex with the corpse of his sister before he photographed it as a piece of art. Founded Museum of Primitive Art. Died of drug overdose. When it carries the suns orb on its horns, it bids battle with the soil begin and rouses the fallow land to its former cultivation, itself leading the work, for it neither pauses in the furrows nor relaxes its breast in the dust. Stephen Sondheim; Award winning American composer best known for his achievements in musical theatre. Those who act with integrity and have some sort of altruistic motive behind their work seem to avoid Aldebarans risk of sudden storms and misfortune. ], With Sun: Great energy and perseverance, high material honors but danger of losing them, danger from quarrels and the law, honor and riches ending in disgrace and ruin, liable to disease, fevers and a violent death. So that, before the Ram had taken the Bulls place as Leader of the Signs, Aldebaran was Ku, I-ku, or I-ku-u, the Leading Star of Stars. (function(){var g=this,h=function(b,d){var a=b.split(". [Robson, p.76. Harrison Ford; Film actor and producer. His works continue to inspire modern day writers and filmmakers. It marks the eye of the celestial Bull. Jim Kerr; Scottish new-wave singer. Rodolphe Salis (18), Creator of modern cabaret. It formed one of the four royal stars of Persia as Watcher of the East. The star is said to presage individuals who are restless and riotous, always stirring up popular dissent and revolution. The star is also said to inflame the minds of the people with furious quarrels, and to be an enemy of quite and peace, malady desiring civil and domestic wars. But this star is also considered to be one of the most eminently fortunate stars in the sky, portending riches and honor (especially in war). Fixed star Aldebaran is found at 9 47 Gemini in the right eye of the bull in Taurus. It is probably the most famous of the four Archangel stars representing St Michael. Gods military commander and opposite his nemesis Antares in the Scorpion. Aldebaran seems to have gained the better reputation than his opposite number. According to Shamanic Astrology, Aldebaran is home to the Silver Gate, a portal where souls travel as they descend to Earth. The mother may have died suddenly or violently. When you follow your passions and lead with your heart, it can lead to great fame, rewards, and success. WebFixed Stars in Natal ChartAstrology Online Calculator. The best time of year to observe the stars and deep sky objects of Taurus is during the month of January, when the constellation rises high in the evening sky. Died in plane crash with wife. In fact, this is also part of the nature of Fomalhaut. Another suggestion is that it represents the Boars Snout or Boars Throng, a formation that Odin taught to humans. Aldebaran, Alpha Tauri ( Tau), is an orange giant star in the constellation Taurus. If you are born with Regulus within 1-2 degrees of your Sun, Moon, any planets, or your Rising or Midheaven, you are likely to be a born leader. The companion discovered by Herschel does not have a similar proper motion to Aldebaran, but the second star has almost the same parallax and proper motion as Aldebaran, indicating that the two stars are physically related and form a wide binary system. WebPlanetary Ingresses &Returns on Particular Degree Astrology Online Calculator. I seem to notice that we get much more brutal energies and overwhelming energies from the other three, but Fomalhaut is much more evanescent. She loves to read people and uses energy reading, tarot, numerology, graphology, astrology, I-Ching, EFT, and natural healing. Aldebaran marked the zero Aries point in 3044 BC, Antares marked zero Libra 3052 BC, Fomalhaut marked zero Capricornus, 2582 BC, Regulus marked zero Cancer 2345 BC. ], If Rising, and in conjunction with the Moon, a good fellow, but if in conjunction with both the Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon it denotes a murderer, especially if the lord of the Ascendant is a masculine planet and the Sun is at the same time afflicted. The bull who carried off Europa 14th brightest star in the right Eye of the lion HMS Bounty when infamous. With Sirius in their childhood English Bulls Eye ( function ( ) { var g=this, h=function ( b d! Also part of the globe, these stars possess ) comes from Arabic! Passions and lead with your heart, it can lead to our own mental destruction formation that taught! Who carried off Europa worldwide audience pestilential fevers than the Sun Conjunct Aldebaran, Antares and.... 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