God seems silent lately. COPYRIGHT 2017-2023 INSPIRINGTIPS.COM ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. We start neglecting the basics because we think daily prayer and daily Scripture reading are just for the new Christians. While solving just one little issue out of the thousands you have may seem pointless, its actually not! Breakthrough is a REACTION to an ACTION you take, that is one of obedience to God! Once, in a time of famine, there was a widow whose pantry was nearly empty. Think about this: At the end of Jobs travails, however, he was restored in double fold, and tears were wiped from his eyes completely. It may appear harsh and harsh, but the Lord may want you to learn something before you can achieve your breakthrough. When you feel restless, pray and ask God why youre feeling this way. You will see that every instruction you were given had a purpose in helping you reach your breakthrough. How long will you mourn for Saul? 2You're being pushed to your physical and mental limits. 6 Powerful Signs That Your Breakthrough is Coming | by Courtney Stars | Publishous | Medium Sign up 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. It's all free! It's totally crashing. But do not be weary, remember the story of Job in the Bible. Thank you for your word that is filled with the anointing. If You Are Forming New Mental Habits that Are Changing Your Attitude, This Often Means God Is Preparing You for a Big Breakthrough. She also loves learning and teaching languages. It seems as though God has been silent, 4. Finally my husband gave his life to Jess and 2 weeks later we got into an argument and he left me again. I believe all prophetic words, encounters, and visions should be compatible with Scripture and need to be weighed up. They all collapse at some point. You are making an anointed difference, and Father, we say let that anointing increase, in Jesus name, Your email address will not be published. I saw a solitary figure, standing on a viewing platform. There are times when I have felt discouraged and believed that there is nothing good that can come out of the situation and so I plan to give up. One of the signs that your breakthrough is coming is the numerous obstacles coming your way. And yet many who have the gift of discernment have difficulty knowing what to do with what they are feeling or sensing. This is God giving you faith and helping you stand strong. You have to change the way you think on a consistent bases to change your attitude. But they are actually connected. Huge breakthroughs can certainly come when you ask God for these breakthroughs. . That vision was me! This can be anything like losing your phone or someone who was once . I am a victor, not a victim. Plus you get FREE access to all of our eBooks. I will pursue your commands, for you expand my understanding., 4. If God Is Removing Harmful People, Places, and Things from Your Life, This Could Be in Preparation for a Breakthrough God doesn't build on uneven ground. Just type in your email address below. 8. Do not worry, God will eventually set a table for you in the presence of your mockers.. At the moment you may not have any evidence to hold on to, but I tell you that the fact that you are living means that there is great hope that your evidence is around the corner. For a season after King Sauls disobedience to God, the prophet Samuel withdrew and grieved. The trees get rid of their old leaves to make room for new ones. Healing comes through a recommitment to the Lord. But the thing is, you're holding such a small container that it's got to smash the entire container so it can give you a bigger cup and that's because life is happening for you, not to you. Perhaps you want to put more effort into interacting with the opposite sex, but with a fearful attitude you wont get far. Thank you so much Helen, may the good Lord continue to increase your anointing that will overflow the blessings that He has poured upon you. The more time I have spent writing, the more He has been revealing to me. You cannot appreciate and understand the ways of the Lord unless you see things from His perspective. It means that it will just come to you out of nowhere. In the end, it would make you acknowledge that you need God. Perhaps God is putting you to the test and cleansing you in preparation for your big break. I receive all Jesus is doing in this season in Jesus mighty and glorious name I believe and pray. . The enemy is mad when God gives us something good, so he works to take it away before it reaches our hands. We tend to see prayer as asking God for things. Your email address will not be published. I will stand my watch and set myself on the rampart, and watch to see what He will say to me (Hab 2:1a, NKJV). When we learn to let go of the puzzle pieces and give them to God, we can watch Him put the pieces together for us. I certainly cannot guarantee that if you enroll in AGW University that God will send you a spouse right away. If you notice a recurring theme or feel any new duties, ask God for guidance and insight in that particular area. I found that it comes from God because like He said in His word, He will never leave me nor forsake me. I am in ministry because a door opened before me and I stepped forward. Extremely Powerful Helen, thank you so much for this!! Effort is important. Esther, David, and Joseph are just a few examples of people who experienced circumstances beyond their control. So when obstacles come, thank God because it is a sign God is preparing you for a breakthrough. The children of Israel not only received but also adhered strictly to the directions from above. It is because you cannot change your character if you are proud. God will then use people to inform and prepare you for where He is taking you to. So, how do you receive Gods healing? No one, not even the devil will try to steal something that does not look beautiful or possess great value. GOD is preparing you for a breakthrough! AGW Ministries is meant to be an online blessing to you. Let go of those things and allow the doors to close up in order for new and better doors to open up to you.. Bless you guys! Every atom of your body is vibrating in harmony with this miracle working presence of the universe. Wow! What Does the Bible Say About Signs of 4 Reasons God Let You Fall in Love with Someone, 3 Unorthodox Things God Often Uses to Lead You to, 5 Harmful Things God Will Show You When Someone Has, 3 Signs God Is Telling You to Not Force It, 3 Things a Biblical Woman Should Never Do When She, 4 Things Satan Will Do When You Meet The One, 4 Reasons You Will Be Amazed When God Puts You Two Together. 2. So also, God will not leave you nor forsake you. God promised me in 2019 that there will be not divorce and in the begging of this 2021 told me that everything that I have prayed, and asked for was coming. But what is of little value in the worlds eyes, when offered to God, holds great power. My point is that before God does a mighty work in your life, there will first come a season of preparation before the victory comes. Click hereand you can see all the course content and all the other bonuses I havent even mentioned yet. There is breakthrough, favor, blessings, laughter, and so on. And this is basically a breakdown of your status quo. 12. Are you feeling stuck? Water began to cascade into the spillway, from above. Sometimes it doesnt matter what issue you solve first. You have given sacrificially, in obedience to God. Do you feel as if something or someone is stopping you from moving forward? Life is happening for me. How To Worship God In Spirit And In Truth, How To Be A Proverbs 31 Woman In A Modern World, 500 Prayer For Protection To Fortify You Spiritually, 10 Things Faith-Filled People Do Differently. We must trust Him and watch Him work. A pause. This is why the prosperity gospel is so dangerous. For this reason, He wants you to be more prayerful. So if you're seeing these things starting to kind of fall apart, take a deep breath. Job did not let their mockery get to him because he understood the signs that God was testing him for a greater season. Feel free toclick here to learn morebefore the deadline passes by. Why is humility necessary in a breakthrough? And then you can pick up your clothes. A shaking. While waiting, serve the Lord with all your heart and strive to live a life that is pleasing to Him. If You Are Recommitting Yourself to Be Consistent with Your Daily Devotional Time, This Is Often a Step God Uses to Lead You to a Big Breakthrough. I joined my faith and agreement with Paul right now, for you to intervene, and for Your Word to come alive to Him like never before, for it is by Your truth and the light of Your Word that the breakthrough is effected. When I began to uncover how the unconscious mind works I went from 19-year-old with a self-published book to a best-selling author in just a few years. You may also begin to feel drawn toward a specific ministry, job, or area that you didnt feel drawn to before. that is so powerful, Shula. Feel free to email me with any questions or comments at markballenger@applygodsword.com. And now those young men mock me in song; I have become a byword among them. Job 30:9 (NIV). To give again. When I was in seminary pursuing my masters degree in Pastoral Counseling, I remember a principle they taught us that has been very helpful to me in counseling others, Positive change in one area of your life often produces positive changes in other areas of your life.. There are many bible scriptures that could give you signs God is preparing you for a breakthrough. Sometimes there are things within our own selves that are blocking Gods blessings. Just pick one and get to work. Enliven Blog - Prophetic Teaching by Helen Calder, 3 Ways to Unlock Your Heavenly Breakthrough, Unlocking the Gift of Discernment eBook, 3rd Edition, Your one small act of selfless generosity, obedience, or prayer can unleash a move of God. This vision spoke deeply to my heart as I read Helen, especially confirmed by the Scriptural examples which have also been hanging around me lately Meanwhile, God cannot give you your breakthrough unless you have been transformed into the likeness of Christ. This is a big mistake. If God Is Renewing Your Passion for Studying the Word and Spending Time in Prayer, This Could Be a Sign He Is Preparing You for a Breakthrough in Life. So ignore that lie, hold out your bucket, and begin to pour. If God blessed us before he prepared us, oftentimes we would miss the blessing of misuse it once we got it. And before you know it, your whole house is clean. This urge comes so strong that no matter when or where we are, we begin to pray in the spirit because the spirit is directing us to pray at that moment. God may be trying to show you something that youve never seen before. So, why is God silent? Here are 23 other signs that God is preparing you for a relationship: 1. You have obeyed God at a time of low supply, When I describe a vision Ive seen, its usually a vivid impression in my minds eye, accompanied by a strong sense of Gods Presence. God could have something bigger in store for you. Knowledge is important. 1. 2. Perhaps you can relate to that today. The gift of discernment of spirits is a powerful weapon in times of spiritual warfare and can be of great assistance when ministering freedom to individuals. If God blessed us before he prepared us, oftentimes we would miss the blessing of misuse it once we got it. Recently there has been much attack and some discouragement. God's trying to give you more blessings. For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives.. We cant go into our new season with the practices from our previous season. Refuse negative self-talk, refuse to complain, and consistently choose to do what you know is right even when you dont feel like it. We are already complete in Christ its not something we are working towards, it is where we already are. Wisdom increasing! Perhaps, no one was watching. Sometimes there are external barriers in our lives that are blocking Gods blessings. Prophesy to the breath, prophesy son of man. But then came the day God spoke to him again. A Guidebook for Every Phase of Christian Singleness. What does that mean? At this point, you have let go of trust in man or any other source to bring you a breakthrough and turned to God solely for rest and help. And without consistency, that big breakthrough you want wont come. If you want to know if you are close enough to your breakthrough, you can read the following signs when God is already preparing you. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2 Tim 1:7) <3. Challenges keep coming. Also, your passion for what youre doing may begin to fade or shift. Henry David Thoreau said, "move confidently in the direction of your dreams and endeavor to live the life that you have imagined and success will meet you in common hours. But do not be deceived by the tactics of the enemy. Required fields are marked *. I really like how you pointed out that: The universe is conspiring to improve my life. Hebrews 11:6 (NIV) tells us And without faith, it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. As long as you believe and hold on to God, he will reward you at the right time with a breakthrough.. And the truth is that God, isn't trying to break you. Therefore, instead of hating God for removing you from a toxic relationship or destructive habits, thank Him. It's completely free - my gift to you. Im not speaking of an open (physical) vision. The paperback version is available for $12.99. You may have prayed and fasted but still feel like a breakthrough is far from you, but most times, the things we believe are far from us are in fact just within our reach if we can stretch out our arms. The universe is working on your side. Good morning. I love that word Cascades, filled with anticipation and wonder and overflow, and the heart of the Father! Prayer allows your spirit to be in communion with the Lord. The first sign is that you're having a breakdown of normal in your life. And it's a condition pattern in our society. When you yield yourself to God and become one with him, you become sensitive to the spirit. Attitude is what allows you to use your knowledge and effort consistently. I havestored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. A few days ago, I had a vision. Heres what a few recent students have said about their experiences: If you enroll before the deadline, which is tonight at 11:59pm, you will get: Again, this is not a magical formula. One of the signs that your breakthrough is coming is the numerous obstacles coming your way. Revelation 1:3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. Instead of getting impatient, be still and trust God. Some of those attacks have been so left of centre and unexpected, that I was left reeling, and most left me wondering if I was where I was supposed to be and very nearly stepped away from the very areas I have been serving in. Other times, it is in the form of offers that look attractive or even look like what we have been waiting for. Take a deep breath in and out. Your email address will not be published. It can be unclear at first, but as you start seeing new opportunities appear, it can also be exciting. Salvation is not the only amazing thing that we can get from walking with God, there is a full package of blessings that comes with it. I am the vine;you are the branches. 322K views, 15K likes, 2.4K loves, 3.3K comments, 3.2K shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Jake Ducey: 3 Signs God Is Preparing You For A Major Breakthrough Did You Know God Wants You To Be Rich?. At other times we need help dealing with some insecurities or identity issues. Enliven Ministries: in the David McCracken Ministries family. Chinese Translation: 12, , 10 Clear Signs that God is Leading You Somewhere Else. Learn how your comment data is processed. You have to have a bad victim moment so that God can break that apart and enter you into a whole new frame of consciousness, where you recognize your true nature. And other points we are in need of a relationship breakthrough where we finally meet the one God has for us. Relying on God in the process of telling yourself and God that you dont have a clue or any answers, therefore, you are committing your ways to Him. After God has instructed you, he wont leave you to walk blindly alone, His love will be your resting place and map.. As Hebrews 12:5-6 (NIV) states: My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by him. As you surrender yourself to Him, He will heal you. God takes away harmful people and things from your life. If you would like to study more on breakthroughs and draw strength from the Bible. I pray more effectively now because God made that possible. Prophetic Word: Rise Up, Go And Anoint! . Id love to hear from you, so let me know in the comments section below. Plus, you have that growing desire to involve in a ministry to serve God actively. If there is no mountain, then there would be nothing to break down. When You See These Signs a Major Breakthrough is Coming. Two of these staples are studying the word of God and personal prayer time. I also wanted to quickly let you know that there are only a few hours left to enroll inAGW University. . But without the right attitude, nothing will change in your life. Not to me. Wow! Instead, pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love, and peace. You may start to look at places, people, and things with fresh eyes. Sometimes before God will bless you with a breakthrough, he will first remove the people, places, and things in your life that are causing damage to your heart. You are humbled to repentance. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is thatbears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.. My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by him. One common sign God is preparing you for a breakthrough is when distractions begin to flood your environment, physically and spiritually. There really is one way and we must know Gods objective Scriptures so we are not led away by our feelings, desires, and the worlds lies. However, you can only truly repent if you humble yourself before the Lordadmitting that you have been wrong and asking for forgiveness. Here are five things that seem small but are actually huge steps God will lead you to take to receive the breakthrough he wants to give you. Getyour copy of The Ultimate Guide to Christian Singleness and access to all of our eBooks. 4 God removes harmful people and things from your life_When God leads you to a breakthrough, God is there to purify you. So when it seems like the more you pray, the worse the situation gets, that is the time to hold on the most. Does it seem like you cannot feel His presence now the way you did before? God is preparing you for something great, Do not miss your moment! I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. Sign up to receive Enliven Blog posts via e-mail and get a FREE copy of my e-book. Sometimes its through a YouTube video. Youll start to feel ready for change, even when youre not sure of what kind of change. You're restless and questioning everything. Say, I am blessed beyond measure. . It's in every single cell of your body. I have strived for the past 22 years of my Christian life and it got me nowhere. Ron DeSantis to former Vice President Mike Pence are skipping the marquee event kicking off Wednesday as the group . In a spiritual sense, a breakthrough is getting to experience a new and higher level of spirituality. And your Father whispers, Beloved, its time to rise again. Do not think that God will allow you to stay broken forever. Moreover, God may allow you to be tested so much that you would reach the point of breaking. It is because He is preparing you for the higher level. Today the only thing that is holding up is my faith. However, if God is preparing you for a new relationship, you may start to see your partner differently. I thanks God for allowing me to find this website. Joan is a freelance blogger who loves writing about personal development. This is because those negative people and things can distract you from recognizing and grabbing your breakthrough when it comes. I want to give you the Success Hypnosis that changed it all. Are you eager to establish a regular prayer time? However, if it is from Him, ask Him to leave it open. If you enroll before 11:59pm tonight, you get lifetimes access to all 5 of these relationship courses, 3 months of bonus email coaching with me, lifetime access to the private Facebook group which has over 780 other students in it currently, and a $50 scholarship. A great biblical example is in Acts 16:6-10; the Holy Spirit stopped Paul and his comrades from ministering in certain places. It's the conceptual level. If Youre Physically Unattractive, Does God Want You Single? Great! It sounded as though an avalanche was being unleashed. Distractions come in many ways. It states: I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Not to me. If specific topics keep popping up in your world, God may be sending signs that this theme is related to your new season. You are on the precipice of change. Sensing a new burden is Gods way of stirring our hearts in preparation for a new calling. This is a sign that God is bringing this to the surface so it can smash it and move you from victim to Victor, from reactor to creator.It's bringing it up so it can move you out of victimhood. Here are 3 signs God is moving you in a new direction. One common sign God is preparing you for a breakthrough is when distractions begin to flood your environment, physically and spiritually. . Every branch in me that does not bear fruithe takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes,that it may bear more fruit. I willmeditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on yourways. God can only make a way where there is no way and from time immemorial, this has been his specialty. It was timeless. When this happens you may begin to feel discouraged because the doors that are closing were the only things you had in hand. In life, when we experience loss, we can't immediately see this as a sign of something greater. AGW Ministries is meant to be an online blessing to you. God is probably reminding you that serving Him or doing His purpose is not easy. God can put you through so much testing that you reach a breaking point. Yes Father! And after you make some progress, keep the snowball effect going. Transition is upon you, as you feel the divine pull to move from where you are, into a new potential for your life and calling. Lets grow together! The need is great and God is showing me I need to do more. You Feel Restless This is typically the first sign you'll experience when God prepares you for a shift. But when you really study prayer in the Bible, you will see that God not only wants us to ask him for things we need but to also fellowship with him on a moment-to-moment bases. Even just spending 30 minutes a day in prayer and in the Bible can be used by God to prepare you for mammoth breakthroughs in all kinds of areas in your life. At other times we need help dealing with some insecurities or identity issues. God knows what is best and He will do it for you gradually. It is possible that you would have that desire to go to a Bible school. Maybe you really want to date a specific person and you keep hearing their name in different places throughout the day.These little signs are that something big is about to happen or something big already has happened. [1] When we are creating space in order to buy new things in our homes, we take out the old ones, right? When it does, it will seem like it came out of nowhere.So keep your eyes open. The message of how much her sacrificial giving meant to God, has reverberated around the world for centuries. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Notice what Jesus said in John 15:1-5. In the season of your breakthrough, you will receive instructions from God, telling you which way to go and exactly what to do. Changing seasons can be a challenge, but when God tells us to move, we must move. And then you just keep doing one little thing after the next. Here are six signs that GOD is getting ready to bless you in a big way: Subscribe & hit the notification bell if this inspired you today: https://bit.ly/3ITiNbe ALL MUSIC PROVIDED BY THE. The word of God says in Mark 4:19 (NIV) but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful., The enemy is an author of confusion, so in this time, ask God for the spirit of discernment so that you can recognize the tactics of the enemy and ignore them respectively. 9. We build this comfortable pattern, and eventually we get to this point where God just smashes it all down. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. Revelation 3:8 (NIV). That little bucket is a powerful tool and weapon, Ries! If God is opening your eyes, look closely. It is the thunder of Heavens answer. On the verge of a breakthrough, it is very common for doors that have been serving you positively to start to close up. 8. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site. That video was very encouraging to listen to. We need to sense the Holy Spirit truly leading us into Gods will for our lives. 10. This is a sign God is pushing you into something better- a major season of breakthrough. As we practice discernment, we can learn to recognize these signs so we can pray over them and ask God to confirm His will to us. Notice this principle 2 Peter 1:5-8 (NLT), which explains: In view of all this, make every effort to respond to Gods promises. For as Hebrews 12:11 also states, For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yieldsthe peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. In other words, before your breakthrough God will often prepare you through his loving discipline. Rather, this is an invitation to those of you who desire to go the next level and receive specialized relationship training that stems right from Gods word. I have been a bit hesitant, because much of what Father is asking me to do, is well beyond my comfort zone and sphere of experience. Thing is, they can already see where God is taking you and Gods plans are always very big. The annual Conservative Political Action Conference was once one of the premier gatherings on the GOP campaign calendar a must-stop for serious contenders testing the waters on presidential runs. You are a life- giving vessel pouring out to many! He suffered a great deal but it did not last forever. . If you intentionally cast your cares and burdens unto God, He will take it from there and give you the ease you need. You're in perfectly safe hands - no one knows what's better for you than Him. After becoming born again and receiving Christ, one thing that I have learnt and held on to is that there is more that can be found in Christ. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is thatbears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing., Sometimes there are external barriers in our lives that are. Helen, That one small offering had triggered a mighty force. You cant clean it all at once. Keep a smile on your face. Two of these staples are studying the word of God and personal prayer time. So if you sense the Holy Spirit tugging on your heart and pointing out an area in you that you know you need to improve through Gods grace, dont ignore Gods loving discipline. All around him in the valley were dry bones. I have been fighting for my family, and specially for my marriage since 2017, with prayers, and fasting. It makes my heart and my spirit to be alive again. . So that's what AGW is all about! When were transitioning into a new season, the biggest thing to remember is that God wants whats best for us. God is trying to shape you. 9. This is a great example of how God often has to take us through a painful season of preparation before he can produce even more fruit in our lives. 1. If we remain focused on Him and seek His glory above our own, He will not only bring about His plans for us, but Hell confirm them, establish them, and bless them above anything we could imagine. With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments! In love you want to be a witness to your old friends, but eventually you have to part ways since you are on a totally different path than them now. 3 Ways to Unlock Your Heavenly Breakthrough. She is into mobile photography, writing poems, and reading for leisure. By staying in our last season, were blocking our blessings for whats to come. The Bible says I know your deeds. Or maybe you envy others who claim they have already experienced Gods breakthrough. An impression. View and purchase the eBook Unlocking The Gift Of Discernment in our e-store, here, View my online courses, including the Enliven Prophetic School, here, 2020 Helen Calder A Vision About Breakthrough r/itsonnow 6 min. Picking just one problem out of the many problems we have seems pointless because even if we solve that one issue we still have so many other issues. Let's take a look at your (matrimonial) stars and ascertain what He has in store for you.